chapter fourteen

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PODCAST HAD ALREADY LEFT. HE'D gotten escorted out of the small, compact cell, led to his parents and driven away from the station without a word. That left the three of them, two of which being the Spengler siblings, to ponder over their own sanity as they stayed locked in the tight, metal-clad room.

Athena had grown to overcome her anxiety and found herself relaxing on the wooden bench, only after finding out that her mother wouldn't be the person she had to deal with on the ride home. She knew that if her mum did pick her up, she wouldn't even make it home.

She was leaning against the metal bars, her head resting softly on Trevor's shoulder with her eyes closed in a peaceful manner, whilst the boy beside her softly messed with the rings on her fingers.

The boy distracted by Athena's jewelry overheard two people talking outside of the cell - one he recognized to be his mother. He widened his eyes as he locked sight with his younger sibling, who was also aware of their parent's presence. 

Soon enough, another policeman had opened their cell, swinging the metal door open with an apathetic expression. As he gestured for them to walk through the daunting exit, Athena was lightly nudged by the boy with her hands in his to alert her of the man's presence. She glanced around with confusion before her eyes landed on the guard in uniform.

Trevor, with a hand on the small of her back, walked her through the opening with a subtle nod to the policeman. The four unlikely pals stood to the side, cowering in the shadows casted upon their faces as the Spengler's mother and the younger kids' teacher stared them down.

"Sorry," Phoebe apologized as she ducked her head, trying to cower behind her older brother who wasn't having any of it.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Callie practically yelled at her children, not even acknowledging Athena's presence beside them. She cast her sight down to the dirty floor as her mind filled with fear once again. She was scared for her friends, as their mother expressed her disappointment towards their actions, but also because of how her parents might - or would - react. 

"You know you three could've really hurt yourselves," the other man scolded after Callie had rolled her eyes and walked off to the front desk to sign a few unimportant papers. However, he had to do a double take on the girl with her eyes tracing the dust-coated floor. "Is that Athena Warren?"

The girl looked up upon registering someone had uttered her name. Once looking the man over, she widened her eyes with realization and surprise. In the police station, standing right before her, was her old science teacher: Mr. Grooberson.

"Mr. Grooberson? What are you doing here?" She questioned with confusion. Trevor watched the absurd interaction with raised brows, not knowing how the interesting pair knew each other and why Athena was addressing him so formally.

"Uh . . . nothing important," he spluttered as his cheeks became splattered in a deep red hue. "Did you catch anything?" He whispered to Phoebe, desperately trying to avert the subject away from the romantic mystery he planned to keep a secret.

"It's inside the trap," she stated matter-of-factly with a sly smile.

"Right now?" He asked as he pointed a finger towards the dangerous object left unattended on the front desk. Following his finger, the curly-haired girl nodded before pushing her gold-framed glasses further up her nose.

"Let's go. You were supposed to look after her this summer," Trevor's mum rebuked as she rejoined the group with a huff.

"I was?" Gary asked with furrowed brows. Honestly, he didn't really know what was going on.

"Not you . . . him." She pointed a sharp finger towards her son.

"This was her idea," he exasperated, trying to save himself by throwing his sister under the bus. Athena stood awkwardly to the side as she watched the family argument unfold, wanting to do anything but have to listen to their constant nagging for hours on end. She had bigger problems to worry about, like how far away her father was from the station.

"What about our stuff? The Ecto-one?" Phoebe questioned after she'd moved away from the group and towards the counter, peering over the edge of the desk to look pointedly into the officer's eyes.

"Everything will remain nice and safe in our hands," the officer - also known as Lucky's father - told the girl. Athena, haven grown tired of the adults talking over the kids who knew much more about the topic then they seemed to know, stormed over to the counter to defend the smart girl.

"No it won't. You don't know anything about that thing," Athena snapped as she pointed to the ghost trap, grabbing everyone's attention in the room as she stood up for the young Spengler child.

"We know more about it than you do," he admitted blandly, unaware to the falsity of his incorrect statement. Trevor, who'd chosen to listen into the conversation between the two girls and the policeman over his mother's irritating arguments, furrowed his brows and moved towards the blonde-haired female.

"That's such bull-"

"And your dad, can't make it, so you need to find another way home." Athena froze with confusion - her dad always made it, no matter how big of an ask it was.

"What do you mean?" Her voice had dropped drastically, causing the boy beside her to glance at her with concern flashing in his brown irises.

"Your mum answered the phone and said they were both too busy," he shrugged as if it were nothing odd. Athena's eyes widened with alarm as Trevor muttered an incredulous 'what?' beneath his breath, because even he knew that was a stupid excuse. Too busy to pick up their daughter from the police station? That was insane.

"And that doesn't sound weird to you, that they're too busy to pick up their own daughter from the police station after she got arrested?" Athena's voice picked back up again as her anger spouted through her natural filter before Trevor lightly tugged on her arm, glaring the policeman down.

"Come on, let's go." He removed his eyes from the officer and didn't spare him another glance as he wrapped his arm around the fuming girl and led her out of the crammed station. They all huddled around in the middle of the dark, puddle-filled parking lot as they escaped the crowded building, Trevor pulling Athena closer to him to try and provide them both with more, much needed warmth.

"You can come with me. I used to visit your dad a lot so I know where you live," Gary stated kindly before getting a bunch of confused stares. "Don't take that in a creepy way."

Athena smiled gratefully at him and thanked him before slowly unraveling herself from Trevor and waving them all goodbye, walking towards Gary's car a few spots down from where they were all standing. The girl, walking through the wet car park, was blissfully unaware of the boy trailing a bit behind her.

She opened the passenger door, but before she could sit down, someone laid their hand on her's that was still tightly clutching the top of the vehicle door. She jumped and looked up with fright, but relaxed after seeing the all-too-familiar face of Trevor Spengler.

"Hey," he began as she looked towards him with an equally as bright smile, "thanks for today, even though it went sideways."

"No, thank you. I really enjoyed it." He grinned at her as his cheeks glowed an evanescent red.

"See you tomorrow?" He questioned as he tilted his head to the side playfully.

"Tomorrow," she confirmed with a nod of her head before leaning up and kissing him on the cheek. She pulled away as his mouth parted with surprise before he backed away, waving dorkily with a wide smile before completely turning around and jogging back to his car. She shook her head with a laugh before falling back into the seat with a dreamy expression.

That boy was really growing on her.

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