Chapter 4 - The Family (Part 2)

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Weeks passed, Jisoo was back to her usual self after that dinner with her family.

Taehyung was busy signing some papers when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID for a moment before answering the call.

<We can only hear Taehyung's side of the conversation>

What do you want?

Hmm. When? Tomorrow at lunch.


He said before ending the call and made another call.

Jisoo: Hi, Tae! *Bright tone*

Taehyung: Ji- Dad, Mom, and my sister are visiting for lunch tomorrow. Have the helpers prepare everything that we will need. *Plain tone*

Jisoo: Ow! They're coming! *Giggled* Okay, we will prepare everything. I'll probably go to the grocery store to buy some items that I would need. *Excited*

Taehyung: Hmmm. I am booked today. I can't leave here and go with you to the shopping center.

Jisoo: You don't have to, Tae. I can do it myself.

Taehyung: Take someone with you then.

Jisoo: Alright! Thanks, Tae! Don't forget to eat your lunch. I'll prepare now, bye!

Taehyung: Alright. Bye!

Although Jisoo likes going out with Taehyung, she avoids it sometimes. Because whenever they go out to the public together, he is attracting so much attention. Paparazzi like following him around. He's always trending in social media. Well, he has the looks, the money, the richest CEO in the country in the generation, he is well known and famous in the business and entertainment industry. Everything about him seems to be an important matter for the public. This is something that Jisoo had to adjust to. From the time that their marriage has been announced to the public, she has been getting attention from people. Attention that she's not used to.


Next day. It's Saturday, Taehyung is helping Jisoo prepare for lunch.

Taehyung: "Let me help you with that." He said before taking over what she's doing.

" He said before taking over what she's doing

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Jisoo simply nodded and smiled at him. She likes seeing him doing things like this. Simple things which is completely different from his usual routine, things other than his stressful and overwhelming work. She adoring the sight in front of her while her mind was clouded by the thoughts of him. She has been spacing out for some time now.

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