Chapter 23- Mending Hearts Part 2 (Jisoo)

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10 Missed Calls


6 Missed Calls


5 Missed Calls

Rosé Posie

3 Missed Calls

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Jisoo was staring at her phone blankly. When she left their house, she booked a hotel where she decided to stay for a couple of days. Well, she doesn't really know where to go. She's not ready to face her family and friends right now. She just want to be alone.

Her room is dimly lit, deafening silence can be heard. Her eyes were swollen, stains of tears were visible on her face. Hurt is not enough to explain what she was feeling.

Her mind was clouded with a lot of thoughts but it was interrupted when her phone rang. This time it was her mom who was calling.

Unsure where the conversation with her mom might go, she picked up her phone and answered it.

Jisoo: "Mom." She almost whispered.

Jisoo's Mom: "Jisoo, are you okay?" She asked, worriedly.

Jisoo: "I-I'm okay, mom." That came out as a lie.

She's not okay. Everything's not okay but she doesn't want her mom to worry so she had to lie.

Jisoo's Mom: "I saw the news. What happened between you and Taehyung?" She asked, softly.

Jisoo took a deep breath before answering.

Jisoo: "Mom, I don't want to talk about it right now." She whispered but enough for her mom to hear what she said.

Jisoo's Mom: "Okay, sweetheart. I'm sorry that I can't be with you now. As much as I wanted to, baby but you know your dad. He doesn't want to me-" She was explaining when Jisoo interrupted her.

Jisoo: "I know mom. I know." She said, trying to hold back her tears. "I know you love me mom. But I also know your responsibilities to your husband and we both know that my relationship with my step dad is not good and probably will not be no matter what I do. I already accepted the reality mom." She told her.

Jisoo's Mom: "I-I'm so sorry baby." She was already crying.

Jisoo: "It's okay mom. I understand. And, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I can take care of myself." She assured her.

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