Chapter 16 - Thoughts (Part 2)

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Jisoo quietly walked through the hallway, she was heading to the kitchen to make breakfast for herself. It's 7 AM on a Monday morning. Her husband, Taehyung, left yesterday afternoon for a business abroad and she was left alone at the mansion.

"This place is extra quiet today." She whispered to herself.

Well, she shouldn't be alone in the house because Taehyung insisted to have the helpers stay at their place to accompany her but Jisoo sent them away when he left. She told them that she can take care of herself and gave the entire week for them to spend time with their families. The helpers were hesitant at first but she assured them that everything will be okay, that she will talk to her husband about her decision to give them extra time off.

"It's dead quiet obviously because I'm the only one here." She chuckled. She keeps on talking to herself.

Stubborn, she has always been stubborn since she had the accident. She makes sure she gets what she wants.

Time skipped.

She was eating lunch silently. After some time, she finished her food. She was scrolling through her phone, trying to find something interesting to do. After a while, she stopped as she started getting bored. She was looking straight ahead with thoughts on her mind.

"What's wrong with me? I mean, it's not the first time that I'm alone in a big house... but today feels different." She thought.

She sighs deeply before looking at the time on her phone.

"1:00 PM. What could he probably be doing at this time?" She asked herself.

Jisoo knit her brows with that thought.

"What am I even thinking?" She said, hitting her head lightly.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the bell ring. She was confused about who could it be. She's not expecting any visitors.

She quickly stood up from sitting and rushed through the main door to the gates. Before opening the gate, she peep through it to see who it was and was surprised to see Lisa inside the car.

She excitedly open the gates and allowed her friend to get inside.

Lisa: "Unnie!" She pulled her for an embrace soon as she was out of the car.

Jisoo: "Lisa, what are you doing here?" She asked, smiling.

Lisa: "Well, I've learned that your husband is away for a week and I don't have any schedules today so I thought to accompany you." She explained with excitement.

Jisoo: "Ow, that's nice, thank you." She smiled.

Yes, she still hasn't had her memories back but has always been comfortable around her friends from the time she met them - Lisa, Rosé, and Jennie.

Lisa: "By the way, where are the helpers? Why is it you who opened the gates?" She asked while looking around.

Jisoo: "Um, I actually send them to their homes. You know, I'm okay staying alone here." Her smile was faint.

Lisa: "Does Oppa knows?" She asked her.

Jisoo: "I'm yet to tell him... later." She responded. "Let's get in." She continued.

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