Chapter 7 - The Past (Part 2)

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Jisoo walked hurriedly through the crowd. Her mind is clouded by that scene she witnessed. "Who is Irene in your life Taehyung? What is your connection with one another?" 

Some of the questions lingering on her mind. Her eyes are glossy, her hands are shaking. She's looking straight ahead, pacing faster, not wanting to look back. 


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After a couple of minutes, Jisoo found herself in the road, far from the hotel. She didn't even realize that she had been walking far away, not remembering if she passed by anyone who may have recognized her. One thing's for sure, she's not into herself.

There she is, in front of the crossing lane. It's dark. Cold breeze is brushing on her skin. There were only a few cars passing by. Her mind is still lost in her own thoughts when a luxurious car stopped in front of her. Seconds after the car pulled over, a tall and lean man went out of the car and approached her. It's Taehyung's friend, Jungkook.

Jungkook: "Jisoo?" He asked as he stood in front of her.

Jisoo: "Jungkook." She almost whispered.

Jungkook: "What are you doing here? Where's Tae? Are you okay?" He asked one after another.

Jisoo was speechless for a moment. She sure doesn't want to involve anyone else on her personal matters.

Jisoo: "I'm... I just wanted to go home. Tae had to stay in the hotel until the event finished." She managed to say while trying hard to hold those tears from falling to her cheeks.

Jungkook was confused with what he heard. He knew that his friend and Jisoo had never been a typical married couple but he knew Taehyung respects her and treats right. Just looking at her state, he knew that there's something wrong with her. He understands that he is not in the position to ask her what is really going on, so the most that he can do is to offer her a ride.

Jungkook: "Okay. Let me take you home." He said after opening the door.

Jisoo: She showed a sad smile. "Thank you." She whispered.


The ride to Kim's mansion was quiet. She was leaning on her side, looking through the window. Jungkook on the other hand cannot stop himself from glancing at her. He's worried.

Jungkook POV:

"What did you do Taehyung? Why is she like this? Why does she look like she's breaking into pieces? I know you don't love her. It's been more than a year since you married her, why can't you love her? Why? Is it still that girl? Irene? If it's still her then let Jisoo go instead of breaking her heart. She deserves better. There's someone else who can love her , who's willing to give everything to make her happy., everything that she deserves."

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