Chapter 17 - A Glimpse of Hope

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Sleeping peacefully in her bed, Jisoo was cradling a pillow to her chest. The sun was beaming through her blinds causing her to stir. She groaned when the first beam of sunlight hit her face.

She struggled to open her eyes as she reached for her phone at the side table. She looked at the time. She placed her phone back on the surface and slowly began to sit up.

"Today is the day." She whispered with a smile on her face.

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Crawling out of her warm bed, she walked to her bathroom and completed her morning routine.

It has been a week since Taehyung left on a business trip. It's weekend and Jisoo got up early to prepare for the day. 

She seems to have a good night's sleep as she feels energized and happy early in the morning. Is it really about having a good rest last night? Or is it because Taehyung is finally going back home?

Time skipped.

It's now 8 PM. Jisoo is lazily watching a movie in the entertainment room. She's looking at the big television in front of her but her mind is drifting somewhere else.

"He should be here by now, right?" She asked herself.

She pick up her phone beside her and looked at his messages.

"He said he should be here around this time. Where is he now?" She continues talking to herself.

"Should I call him? Or at least send him a message? What do I tell him?" She thought.

After some time of contemplating, she sighs deeply before putting her phone back on her side.

"Why am I even so bothered that he is still not here?" She whispered.

"What if something happened to him? What if something bad happened to his flight? Is he okay???" Her eyes widened with these thoughts. In an instant, her heart pounded like it was coming out of her chest ad her eyes started to well up.

"No Jisoo. Stop what you're thinking right now." She said, calming herself. "Maybe I am overthinking. Nothing bad happened. He's okay. And, why I am acting this way?" She closed her eyes before taking a long breath.

Trying to forget those negative thoughts, she averted her attention back to the movie playing in front of her. She comfortably laid on the couch and hugged herself as the weather is a bit chilly.

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