Chapter 3 - The Family (Part 1)

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Jisoo: "Um, Tae." She almost whispered.

Taehyung: "Hmm." He simply responded without looking at her.

Taehyung and Jisoo are currently having their dinner.

Jisoo: "Nayeon just got back from abroad." She started. She's shaking a little as she's not sure if he would like what she will say next.

Taehyung: "And?" He quickly glanced at her.

Jisoo: "So... Mom wanted us to visit them tomorrow. She wanted to have a simple family dinner since it's been a while since we had one with Nayeon." She explained.

Taehyung quietly placed his fork on the plate and looked at her.

Taehyung: "Do you want to go?" He asked with a serious face.

Jisoo: "Ye-yeah. Of course, I-I want to see my sister." She stuttered.

Taehyung: "Then we will go." He simply answered.

Jisoo: "Thank you." She smiled sweetly.

She knew that he doesn't like mingling with her family but he always accompanied her anyway whenever she needed to visit them.


Next day. Taehyung and Jisoo arrived at her parent's house. Soon as they entered the main door, her sister immediately came for a hug.

Nayeon: "Unnie!" She exclaimed.

Jisoo: "Nayeon!" She was smiling brightly. They hugged tightly. "I miss you!" She then said.

Nayeon is Jisoo's half sister. She's 2 years younger than her. Jisoo's dad died after she was born. 2 years late, her mom got married and had another baby, Nayeon.

Nayeon: "I miss you too, Unnie!" She said after they pulled away from the hug. "Hi, oppa!" She smiled at Taehyung who's standing behind Jisoo.

Taehyung: "Hello." He replied.

Nayeon always acts nice towards Taehyung. He thought that her actions are always genuine especially to Jisoo so he treats her right as well.

Nayeon: "Come on. Mom and Dad are now in the dining area. You guys are just on time for dinner." She said before leading them to the dining room.


Everyone's now seated in the dining table. As usual, Taehyung is quietly eating his food while Jisoo is busy listening to what Nayeon is telling them. She loves her sister so much.

Taehyung: "You should eat." He glanced at her quickly and motioned the food.

Jisoo: "Oh, yeah." She startled a bit then started eating her food.

Jisoo's Mom: "So how's business, Taehyung?" She finally spoke.

Taehyung: He silently stopped eating then looked at her. "Everything's going well. We have everything under control, ma'am." He said with his usual cold tone.

Jisoo's Mom: "That's good to hear." She said, smiling. "So, it's been a year. "When can we expect a little Taehyung or a mini Jisoo?" She asked out of the blue.

Jisoo: "Mom!" She almost raised her voice.

Jisoo is not comfortable with this topic. She knew that Taehyung would probably have never thought about it, especially that for him, their marriage is only out of paper, nothing more. Her hands started to sweat. She's nervous now. While Taehyung remained quiet.

Jisoo's Mom: "What? I mean, you guys are at the right age and it's part of your married life." She explained. "Right, Hon?" She said, looking at her husband.

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