Liar - Spencer Reid

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WARNING: this is not a Spencer Reid x reader. This story is to be centered around Spencer and his team, while other characters are important to the story they should not be developed so heavily that they are the main focus. THIS IS WRITEN AS SPENCER AND HIS TEAM BEING THE MAIN FOCUS.

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Matthew Gray Gubler as Dr. Spencer Reid
The Victim
"She loves me and I love her. I can't leave her. I will never leave her. No matter the bruises on my body" 

Sandra Bullock as Victoria Thorten
The Abuser
"I love you Spencer. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I hurt you, I just got angry and it consumed me. I won't let it happen again. I won't hurt you again. Please forgive me."

Marina Benedict as Charlotte Appledot 
The Chaotic and Slight Cocaine Addict
"Look, I've been her friend for a long time, Skinny. I've seen her go through tons of relationships but she's never been happy. Until she meant you and she took control of you. She'll never let you go now. Or you know I could be wrong I am after all so HIGH"

A.J Cook as Jennifer JJ Jareau
The Sister
"I know you don't like when people touch you but can I give you a hug?.......Don't act as If I Didn't just feel you flinch"

Thomas Gibson as Aaron Hotch Hotchner
The Scared Boss
"I've been a profiler for a long time. Seen the worst of the worst. Do not underestimate that just because you're a profiler yourself that you can hide the signs. Because I can see them on a clear day."

Paget Brewster as Emily Prentiss
The Friend
"We should all get Shit Faced tonight."

Shemer Moore as Derek Morgan
The Brother
"Don't you dare push me away! Look in that pretty little brain of yours. You know what's going on. You know what she is. So what are you going to do about it?"

Joe Mantegna as David Rossi
The Wise
"I'm Italian. I make pasta, not miracles."

Kirstan Vangsness as Penelope Garcia
The Goddess
"If you think you could run Spencer you were wrong. You might be stuck like peanut-butter on bread but we're your jelly. We are going to find you and there's nothing you can do to stop us."


    She was pretty. That was the first thing he had noticed about her. The way her long hair cascaded down her back was intoxicating. Even the piercings she had along her ear and nose made her the most beautiful girl in the world. He really should have known when he first saw her that she was bad news. Spencer had never felt a connection with someone like he did in that moment. He remembered his voice shaking and his brain stopping as he tried to read out his order. He remembered watching her as she prepared the coffee and poured in the sugar. He smiled when she said his name and when their hands touched as she handed him his coffee it was like fireworks had gone off in the small coffee shop.
    She seemed to have felt the same connection because her eyes widened and met his chocolate brown eyes. She felt like she was swimming in them. Maybe even drowning, unable to pull herself to the surface. This was the beginning of the end for Spencer Reid. Because Victoria Thorten was nice at first. She liked to listen to him rabble and always had the most interesting facts in her head. They went on cute little dates. Visiting book and record stores. Going on picnics. She seemed like the perfect girlfriend because she didn't care about his job and wasn't too clingy. She made him happy and he thought that he knew exactly the kind of person she was.
    He was wrong though, because Victoria Thorten was good at wearing masks. Her job, besides being a barista, required it. Cause one moment Victoria could be the nicest girl in the world and then the next moment she showed her true self. Cause the true Victoria was always looking behind her back. Always expecting the worst. Always having her fists up and ready for battle. Victoria was not the nice girl Spencer Reid believed her to be, but no matter what happened he never said that. He never realized what she was, until the day he sat on the cold sidewalk of a gas station on the outskirts of Quantico, Virginia. Nursing a broken wrist and black eye, but never once letting go of the blue blanket holding something wrapped up against his chest.

Spencer meets Victoria Thorten at a coffee shop where she worked. (Although by night she delivers drugs) There relationship moves fast and starts to become abusive early on. Though the team don't necessarily pick up on Spencer's behavior (hiding bruises, arguing on the phone, late for work, skipping out on going out after a case) they soon recognize the signs and work to get Spencer out. However Spencer finds there help very unwelcoming and pushes them away more.

Spencer is battling the fact that he's a profiler, he knows the signs and recognizes Victoria's manipulation but he is unwilling to face it head on.

Spencer is forced to flee leaving being his friends and job when Victoria could possible be arrested for Charlottes overdose (Victoria gave Charlotte the drugs but didn't actually murder her) and learning that Victoria is pregnant changes everything. The BAU try there best to find Spencer but are unsuccessful.

Until 2 years later when Aaron Hotchner gets a call from the one and only Spencer Reid, looking for some kind of escape,

5 things to know
1. Victoria's development is all you. I don't care what you do with her and how you portray her, as long as she's represented as abusive and manipulative towards Spencer. This has to look like what any abusive relationship could look like.
2. The baby is a boy (whatever name you want) and Spencer is mostly a single parent since Victoria is largely out of the picture. After attacking her son, that is when Spencer decides to leave. They have a incredible close bond.
3. When Spencer is picked up by Hotch he's different, he's looks more rugged, cheap cloths, a sleeve tattoo (Victoria said it would look cool) and nose and ear piercings. But he's still the same old Spencer if not changed from his experience. (During this time Spencer has also been working at a crappy dinner)
4. Charlotte is also largely up to you and your imagination. She's a controlled drug addict (if there's such a thing) with a bad past. I picture her being sassy and eccentric but however you want to portray her works for me.
5. The ending is undecided so I'm giving anyone the opportunity to write the ending however they wish.

If interested leave a comment or message me. Until then happy reading!

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