Emptyness -Outer Banks

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This is a super crazy and far fetched story but we're just going to go with it!

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Alternative Universe
JJ Maybank Fanfic
New Character- May Routledge

JJ Maybanks was told that his mother left because he was a failure to her. Or at least that's what his fucked up father said.

When JJ was five years old his little body shook with sobs and his cubby hands held his stomach in pure pain. His poor mother watched as he withered in pain not knowing what to do. But she got her answer the moment blood poured out of the little boys mouth.

Wrapping her child in a blanket she hurried to the hospital and sat with her child for hours. Alone. Until she finally got her answer.

JJ Maybanks had pseudo-obstruction motility disorder and he would never eat normally again,

Growing up JJ grew sick and terrified of the feeding tube that went down his nose every time he ate or need nutrients. He hated the visits to the hospital and the pain he endured everyday.

However the day his mother left with no explanation was the day his disease was buried in sand. No more feeding tubes, no more hospital visits. So he kept it a secret. (Except for John B who was always there to draw a usually hot bath for the boy who's cramps were so bad he couldn't even sit straight in the tub). He worked through his disease as well as he could even though he knew he was losing his battle.

Insert May Routledge who had left the Outer Banks a long time ago. Escaping from the fighting and the arguing she endured from her father. Cause Big John and May did not get along. Not one bit.

Now a fully grown adult May returns to the Outer Banks, a month after her father went missing. Packing her brothers bags she makes the decision to move him away from the memories into her comforting apartment in the city. But she can't leave without righting one more wrong.

So with one big black eye May brings John B and JJ home with her, hoping maybe just maybe she can reconcile with her brother or find something even better.

Or in which May Routledge hopes to save JJ Maybank from dying from his disease
And maybe unveil the truth.

"Are father went missing a month ago and now you except me to just walk away with you into the unknown?"
- John B

"Did you even read the custody papers?"
- May

"I don't need more nose tubes and more doctors. I just want to live life until it's done. Smoking joints and doing whatever the hell I want"
- JJ

You can still smoke joints and do whatever the hell you want. Just do it for longer then the time you think you've been given"

"JJ it wasn't your mother who took your to the hospital or held you while your body screamed in pain. It was me"

A Couple Things

1. JJ has pseudo-obstruction motility disorder which is a digestive disorder that causes the intestinal tract to be ineffective in collecting nutrients. This also cause the digestion of food to be less efficient. So JJ is mostly feed with a tube that painfully goes down his nose and into his stomach. It's important that by deciding to write this some research on the disease is incorporated.

2. May and her father didn't get along at all. She sees the many flaws that her father has, while John B mostly loved and worshipped him. This cause the siblings to be estranged. There relationship is pretty tense but there are sometimes were they've really connected.  John B is always fighting for his father while May is always trying to prove to John B that there father isn't the angel he believes him to be.

3. May returns to Outer Banks with full custody over John B and after an altercation with Luke (resulting in a black eye) JJ also joins the 'happy' crew leaving Outer Banks. (Less Kiara and Pope in this story 😭) John B is angry that there leaving especially since it puts the treasure hunt on pause.

4. Here's the thing. JJ's mother was mostly absent but she is May's biological mother. Meaning that May is JJ's half sister. However because he was so young he doesn't really remember this. After her mother left, May went to stay with Big John (her biological father). While she tried to stay as close as possible with JJ and watch over him and his disease it becomes more and more impossible.

5. While JJ disease can't be cured, there are ways of prolonging his life. May works with more doctors and treatments to try and get JJ on the right track. But JJ is sick of the doctors and the treatments and continues to push May away.

If interested comment or message me.
Until then happy reading!

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