Bounded in Vines - Pope

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Pope Fanfic
Main Character: Jackie Maybanks

Jackie Maybanks ran away from home on her 10 birthday, leaving her younger brother with there abusive father and without any explanation.

She promised herself she would never return. Never step foot on the grounds of the Outer Banks. She never wanted to see her father again or there old home. But now. Now was a different story.

Jackie left to explore the world with only $20 dollars stuffed in her pocket. It didn't get her very far, but she felt grown. Felt like she could do anything she wanted. All by herself and if she never thought to hard about her brother, then maybe she wouldn't have to return.

Until the day Jackie got pregnant and returning home was her only option.

But returning home meant showing her face to her father. The face that looked so much like her mothers. And seeing the cold hard look of betrayed in JJ Maybanks eyes.

With a baby on the way Jackie's not sure what her life will be like. If she's capable of being a mother and if her brother will ever be it's uncle.

But it might just work out if that baby gets a father, cause Pope isn't just his brains, he's smoking hot. And maybe just maybe he can cut the vines imprisoning her.

If interested comment or send me a message
Until then happy reading!

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