Kill Shot Not Taken - Bucky Barnes

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Kill Shot Not Taken
Bucky Barnes Fanfic
Main Character: Eliza Strongfield

Eliza Strongfield was a killer. Always had been always would be. Recruited by Hydra voluntarily at the age of 21, Eliza knew exactly what she was getting into. The thrill of the chase as she looked for her next victim in pure excitement. But even though she put on a brave and happy face deep within herself she didn't want to kill. If anything she needed a better stress relief, because in therapy that was definitely not how you deal with stress.

So when Hydra fell she wondered exactly what she wanted to do with her fucked up life. Until a folder mysteriously came across her desk. The type with a job hiding within its pages.

Eliza Strongfield had one job. Kill Bucky Barnes.

Bucky Barnes wasn't just aloud to walk the streets now that he was free from Hydra and protected by the Avengers. He was Hydra's weapon and there was no way in hell they were just going to let him walk away. So if they can't have him, no one can. Eliza had her own vendetta again the man with the metal arm.

She was 8 years old when he murdered her 6 years old brother after he witnessed one of the winter soldiers many assassination. And Eliza wasn't about to let him get away with it.

Turns out Eliza was fantastic at doing laundry, so getting a job at Avengers Tower was easy, but killing Bucky Barnes. That was a lot harder then expected.

Cause Eliza Fucked up. She Fucked up bad. Cause when meeting Bucky Barnes and realizing how handsome and possibly gifted in bed he could be. She couldn't help but take the opportunity to get laid before killing him. Bad idea on her part, cause next thing she knows she's holding a pregnancy test in her hand, and it's positive.

Or in which an assassin there to kill her target makes the fucked up decision to have sex with him and gets pregnant with his child.

So I'm pregnant, with your child, and here to kill you. Fuck me
- Eliza


You know what kids don't need fathers. Thousands of people do it everyday.
- Eliza

Yeah I had a sucky dad and look at me now!
- Tony
I might need a back up plan
- Eliza

How about this. You don't kill me, we fall in love, and then we raise our child together
- Bucky

But that's so boring
- Eliza

4 things

1. In this scenario Bucky didn't leave Steve at the river. Instead Bucky is being rehabilitated at Avengers tower with the other avengers. (I picture that Steve might have gotten enough strength to tackle Bucky and kinda force him in Steve's life :)

2. Eliza is a volunteered assassin and member of Hydra. She wasn't forced into it and her younger life was relatively normal except for her little brothers death. This changed her and later lead her to working with Hydra.

3. After Hydra falls Eliza is wondering what comes next and what she wants to do with her life, cause killing doesn't seem like the best option. But she jumps at the opportunity to kill Barnes before beginning a peaceful life. So she gets a job at avengers tower cleaning there laundry and suits which gets her pretty close to the team.

4. How the story progresses is largely up to you. How she handles the pregnancy's and how her relationship grows with Bucky is mostly up in the air. If she runs maybe Bucky goes after her. If she stays maybe the people who assigned her to kill Bucky come after her. Whatever you think fits right for this story. You can even make your own developments of the plot.

If interested leave a comment or message me. Until then happy reading!

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