Painted Blade- Spencer Reid

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Alternate Universe
Painted Blade
Spencer Reid Fanfic
New Characters- Linda (Lindy) Reid and Linsey Walker

Interview conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Highly Classified Information

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Interview Conducted by Jason Gideon

State your name, permission for record, and reason for interview. (Name identified as Jason Gideon BAU)

My name is Doctor Spencer Reid and I am the only surviving member to escape The Olympus Cult. I give full permission for the conduct of
this interview.

Tell me what you know about Olympus

"I was told my mother joined Olympus because she was searching for an escape from her schizophrenia. That Lex healed her, but I'm not sure that's true. Since the last memory I have of her is when she tucked a Daisy in my hair then handed me my baby sister and killed herself in the room next to ours. From then on me and Linda were raised by the community. We never knew who are father but I have my suspicion, it's not to hard to figure out. I grew up believing in Lex, in everything he said and did to me. But when I got older, observed his tactics I just....couldn't stay. It was almost like...he was grooming me to become him someday. But that is not who I am."

"What exactly do you mean when you said he was grooming you? What did he do to you and his followers?"



"How much time do you got?"

Spencer Reid and Linda Reid grew up together in the compound of The Olympus Cult. Both of them believing whole heartedly in Lex Harrows teachings and his gift. Until the day Spencer packed his bags and left.

The first person to leave the cult alive and without Lex's permission.

Years later Spencer has found a place for himself in the BAU and has closed that door leading to his past. He never again spoke of Olympus and stayed quiet about any news reports about the cult.

Then Spencer goes missing and the BAU's only hope of finding him is the interviews he conducted with recently dead Jason Gideon. Hoping to find and rescue there friend the BAU beginning there investigation and Spencer faces his greatest foe.

"The only reason your here is to convince me to go back, cause you wouldn't be here without Lex's permission. But your to blind to see what's happening here."
- Spencer

"Lex warned me your would have forgotten are customs. I guess I just hoped you were strong enough not to stop believing "

"Look I'm done. I'm done seeing you only for you to leave again. So choose. Go back, walk out those doors cause I can't help you anymore. But when you figure out what Lex really is don't come crawling back to me. Because walking out those doors means you not longer have a brother."
- Spencer

"Had I actually had a brother you would be returning home with me."
- Linda

"Your a shit brother you know that?"

You weren't the best sister either"

7 things

1. You are aloud to make changes with the Cult, like the practicing and following, but please have some prior knowledge of cults and there inter working.

2. Linda and Spencer are brother and sister (Spencer being a year older). But they clash. Spencer had freed himself from the Cult but Linda is still completely loyal to it. They fight and when they fight it gets viscous, which is why Hotch usually lets them fight at the BAU so they can be supervised (fights usually include yelling, throwing things, maybe even hitting). There fights are really important because Spencer is just trying to save his sister, while his sister wants him to return to the life he escaped from.

3. While Linsey isn't introduced in the blurb above my thoughts for her is that Spencer was betrothed to her by the Cult leader. So when he is forcefully returned it might be fun to explore that part of his past and get some action with them.

4. During this story I would LOVE some Spencer and the BAU interaction.

5. I also picture that Spencer is some kind of chosen one which is why the Cult leader finds it
Imperative that they return Spencer to his rightful home.

6. I picture that each chapter begins with a written dialogue of Spencer's interview about Olympus. Incorporation both physical, sexually, and psychological abuse. All of those are touchy subjects I understand but Cults usually focus around those ideas.

7. Spencer is kidnapped by Lex and it's up to you exactly what he undergoes there. How the BAU located Spencer is up to you to, but make it so the search is prolonged so that the recorded interviews are included.

If interested leave a comment or message me
Until then happy reading!

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