Electric- Flash

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When Barry Allen woke up from his nine month coma, his life would never be the same. He would become superhero. He would face villain after villain but he would keep on fighting.

But it wasn't always that easy.

The night Barry was struck by lighting was the night that Harper Nightingale would start her 1 and a half year coma. Cause what are best friends for but to share a part of there life sleeping away?

When Barry woke up first he had hope that Harper would wake up too. He knew his best friend, knew her like the back of his hand and she never stopped fighting. Her eyes would open someday. Her joints would move once more. She would breathe on her own. He had faith in her and maybe, maybe love.

But those days of wishing grew longer and Central City become more dangerous with meta humans on the streets. So the day Harper Nightingale wakes up, Barry isn't by her side. And she's terrified as hell.

Cause Harpers not the same no more. She's got anxiety and is plagued with nightmares. She can't sleep, because every time she closes her eyes, she's stuck in the coma. She comes back alive without being able to walk and Barry Allen doesn't know how to help her.

Especially when she's become one of his worse enemies.

A meta-human that can't stay awake unless she's powered by the very thing he is. Speed.

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