Chapter 4

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There's a chime and a voice starts to talk over the speakers. "Could we please have Dean Moyer report to the office?" I smile and look at the teacher. "Yes of course" he tells the lady.

When the speaker clicks off he looks at me. "Take your stuff, class will be over in a few minutes. "Cool, thanks" I nod grabbing my stuff and heading out.

I don't really know where the office is but I assume it's by the front door so I make my way towards there. As I thought a big sign said Main Office and once I got close enough I walk a little faster seeing Morgan.

He leaves the office nodding towards the women who give him flirty waves. Taking my shoulder he guides me away from the office so they can't see and I smile hugging him tightly. "Hey bud" I just squeeze him as his hand rubs my upper back.

"I miss you already, can't I come back?" I ask pulling away. "Don't you like Brendon and Minnie?" He questions me. I pull away with an eye roll. "I guess but they won't continue to like me for long, they've got cute babies. They just felt bad for me- can't I just stay in the company for my last year. Or-" he cuts me off fishing into his pocket.

"I'm not adopting you" he shuts me down quickly making me squeeze my fist together. "Did I do something to upset you?" I ask refusing to look up. He grabs my hand and puts the nail polish in it. "Do you not like me- I don't understand you're the only person I actually want in my life?" I keep going finally looking up to see him.

"Dean, I care about you. I've been taking care of you since you were young, but I just can't. You've only got a year left there's no time and it would be a waste- not that you're a waste of time. Just live your life. I'll always be here for you but they'll be a better family. They know what they're doing- I can't be selfish and take you" he explains as I just stare at him.

"Okay- thanks for the nail polish, I'll hopefully see you later I guess" I tell him getting a sigh. "I will see you later Dean, I love you bud. Even if I can't adopt you I still consider you my son" he mumbles pulling me into a hug.

"Don't say that- if you consider me a son why won't you adopt me!?" I quiet down and shake my head just enjoying his hug. "I love you too-" the bell rings and kids soon flood out into the hallway.

"I'll see ya" he chuckles snatching my beanie. I quickly grab it back and put it over my head glaring at him. It turns into a smile as I watch him walk out the door.

Not knowing what to do I just make my way back to my locker and quickly check my phone seeing I had publications class. I grab the black folder and notebook not sure what this class was.

Somebody grabs my shoulders and there's a soft "boo" I don't react but turn around when they let go of me. "Bro didn't even flinch" the black haired boy stares shocked as I looked down at Jules the blond from earlier.

"That didn't scare you at all?" She asks and I shook my head. "I wish" I answer shutting my locker. I put the nail polish in my pocket since I had forgotten to put it in my backpack and go back to staring at Jules.

"Would you mind showing me where the publications class is?" I say the next words and she quickly nods. "That class is literally a free A, a study hall in a way since the teacher could care less!" Jules explains.

"I'm in the class as well" the brown haired boy steps next to her. Jules nods and steps even closer to me. "You should sit with us at lunch!" She exclaims and I sigh. "Yeah okay we can try for today" I give in immediately. The whole group was a nice set of eye candy.

I bet I could get at least one of them. Just for some action. No be nice. "For today?" Jules asks waving to her friends as she starts to pull me away. Brown hair boy follows and the others stay to talk about something.

"As cliche as it sounds I wasn't going to do the whole friends thing. I gotta year then I'm out" I say so easily. No emotion or dread. No fear holding me back. Which could really suck sometimes because then I say things without fully processing how it could affect the other person.

"Ohhh- I'm sure we could change that" she giggles and man was I digging that laugh of hers. "Well here we are- I'll come find you for lunch!" She smiles. "See you later" she waves to her friend before we both walk in.

He goes to sit down and I go to the teacher. "Where can I sit?" I ask. He looks up from his desk startled before looking around the classroom. "There, there... or there" I read his name after he is done. Mr. Henderson was quick to point and I make my way over to the brown haired boy.

"I'm going to sit with you, that okay?" I ask throwing my stuff down. "Yeah, sure" he nods tapping his pencil on the side of the desk.

"My name is Lloyd, what's yours?" He starts the whole introduction phase as I look him over some more. "Dean" I answer still studying him. He is also very attractive. There's a freckle above his eyebrow and it is kind of cute.

He has a light tan and I just really like his hair, poofy and long, not as long as mine, but still. My eyes went to the silver cross hanging from his ear and I instinctively went and held it. "This is cool" I mumble as he pulls away quickly. "Dude you scared me- god!" He quietly panics. "What if I would have hit you!"

"I get hit then- Anyway I like your earring" I calm myself sitting back. "It's cool... I like yours too- are you interested in Jules?" He asks playing with his vastity jacket. "She's cute, well adorable really, are you guys dating?" I ask after.

"No- I'm gay" he chuckles and I nod. "Good to know, because you've got a pretty face" I smirk making his eyes narrow. "I assume you're not straight then, but if you're messing with me because I'm gay I don't appreciate it" he snaps and I shake my head crossing my arms.

"My sexuality is horny. I'll date anything I can fuck or that can fuck me... even though I've already decided I'm not doing that this year" I remind myself out loud. He laughs at it though and it makes me laugh.

"What sports do you play" I motion towards his jacket and he chuckles. "Football, and basketball" Lloyd answers confidently. "Do you play any sports?" He asked and I shake my head before stopping.

"I don't do school sports, but I climb things- like flipping- yeah I do stupid things, jump, and flip" I try to explain noticing he wasn't getting it as he eyes me suspiciously.

"I'm new in town so I haven't done anything here" I add getting a nod. "Feel free to come to one of my football games, I'd love to see you there" he flirts as I eye him. "Do you need a kiss when you win your game?" I give him a fake pout and he laughs.

"So what are your other friend's names?" I ask wanting to know beforehand. "Well we have Ivana, she's African American. Kinda fiesty- so be careful with her" he explains and I nod. She has beautiful eyes.

"The other blonde because I assume you know Jules, is Taylor. Then black haired boy is Leo." He lists them off as I try to think. "This is going to be hard since you're all so hot" I joke.

"That breaks my heart, how am I suppose to get you all to myself" he jokes back getting closer to me. It was hot.

"Dean! the teacher calls and I look towards the front of the class. "Here!" I answer loudly before sitting back and checking my phone to change the playlist. I was feeling less depressed now so I want to listen to more hyped songs.

"Lloyd!" He yells and Lloyd raises his hand before slamming it down. It made a loud noise causing the girl and guy at the table over to jump, the back row bursts into laughter as I sigh.

"Dude you really aren't scared of anything" Lloyd laughs, I smile sadly in return. "Heh- I guess not" I mumble opening my notebook.

"You good at drawing?" He asks. I couldn't help, but laugh. "Nah I just scribble on paper to unbore myself" I explain making him lean over to my ear.

"I could always help with that" I couldn't help the smile that etched its way onto my face.

"I think I'll stick to drawing for now"

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