Chapter 55

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I duck ignoring the pain only to get me legs swept out from underneath me. "Fuck" I curse sitting up and quickly going to my feet. I was bruised-broken, but if I didn't keep going he'd go for Lloyd.

He swings and punches me, but I don't let myself fall and quickly punch back. I got a hit in, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me down to the ground squeezing and pulling until I thought it would break.

"Please sir I can't practice if you break my wrist" I give in and he sighs releasing my wrist. I stay on my knees my head down. He'll give me a punishment and then leave. Same as everyday.

"You need to be better and be better faster. You're failing me" he starts with the degrading and I stay silent taking it. "You've been listening better" he continues and I take in a deep breath hoping that I'll get through it without a punishment.

Lloyd stayed silent this whole time. He had been tied to the chair again so he couldn't interfere with training.

It's silent for a minute but I knew better than to look up. I was doing it for Lloyd. He was struggling. His health. It was getting bad and the constant beatings weren't helping.

Finally there is movement and I'm back handed. I fall to the the side and finally look up just to get a boot to the face. His dirty face covered with a disappointed sneer.

I let out a cry of pain and grab my nose groaning. Kicked in the ribs over and over again. I gasp for air only for it to be knocked out of me again.




One word for every kick. I was coughing up blood by this point or maybe it was the blood from my nose.

"Please stop. Please I beg you. Stop! Stop!" Lloyd's screaming rings in my ears and I just wanted him to stop. I didn't want him to be scared.

He stopped to look at my boyfriend before looking back at me. He began mumbling to himself walking back and forth. "Do it- need him- no" he had lost his mind as he talked to himself before finally just leaving.

As soon as he was up the stairs I crawled my way over to Lloyd going to untie the ropes. "You got this doll. Come on just untie them and I can help." He was crying desperately trying to get out and hold me.

I stayed silent besides my crying and fumbled with the ropes. My wrists- knuckles hurt. I dropped my hands unable to do it and cried. Moving over I lay my head on his lap and he struggled trying to tip his hands out.

"Dean... try again. You can do it. I know you can. You're fighting so hard-" he cuts himself off with a cough wheezing as it begins to hurt.

I looked up at him and just looked over his face before trying again with the rope. Yelling I cursed before ripping at the ropes and pulling as hard as I fucking could ignoring the pain.

When I finally got them free he immediately falls out of the chair grabbing onto me. "Oh my beautiful boy... so handsome" he compliments me tearing some of his shirt off something we had been doing a lot of.

He starts trying to get my nose and lips to stop bleeding. I cough and he stands dragging me over to the wall. Sitting back down Lloyd pulls me in between his legs my back against his chest as he hugs me to him.

"So worthy"

"So smart"

"You make me so proud"

"You continue to surprise me. You're so trying and continue to fight. I need you to stop though. I can take some more hits- you... you can't" he explains I stay quiet, because I wouldn't do it.

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