part 2

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Meanwhile shirley chases after mick and he eventually tells her that he needs to find dean to make him pay but for what shirley asks for rapping linda he replies. She is so shocked that she can't move and loses track of mick. Linda lies at the bottom of the stair in two pools of her own blood and no one questions her whereabouts. As shirley returns with a bang nancy, lee and johnny are looking out of the window and leave to downstairs. However, as they reach the top of the stairs nancy stops and see's her mum laying unconscious at the bottom of the stairs she shouts at the boys and shirley what should be do. Shirley call and ambulance. Johnny is so worried and is scared of blood so goes back up stairs to inform tina and tosh of what has happened, not that they really know. Mick is still looking for dean but there is no sign of him but ends up near blades and smashes the place to pieces, ending up covered in his own blood and crying in the corner.

linda's christmas hellWhere stories live. Discover now