part 16

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Shirley tries to apologise but mick is having no of it as him and tina are in complete shock. Tina believed linda but there was always that little part which hoped it wasn't although it would have broken mick and linda.

Elaine and the kids walked back down the ward at the same time as shirley is apologising so they began to question what was going on. Just as tina was about to explain mick stopped her as he didn't want the kids to know untill linda did. He just told the kids that he would explain later. The kids were demanding to know now but luckily the doctors came out to speak to the family.

The doctor pulled the family into a separate waiting room so that the conversation which they had would be private. The doctor explained that linda was in a stable buy critical condition. Her blood pressure was still to high as well as her pulse rate which signified that she could have an internal bleed. Meaning that she would have to undergo more testing. The doctor also explained that linda was severely under weight and dehydrated which was worsening the situation so she was placed on a drip to try and replace the nutrients that she had lost. Mick thanked the doctors for all the work which they had done.

An hour later the doctors return to explain that through the extra tests and scans they identifed a second bleed after linda surgery which she had last week after falling down the stairs. They explained that they have given her some clotting drugs to stop the bleed without the need for surgery and that it has been successful so far. However linda's condition should have improved more by now. They explain that her white blood cells levels in her blood are significantly higher than expected signifying that she has an infection.

This news worried elaine and mick massively as this wasn't the first time that linda had suffered a bleed post surgery and then contracted an infection. Elaine questioned the doctor asking about the extent of the bleed and the source of the infection. The doctors responded by saying that the bleed was small but was responsible for the pain that linda was experiencing. As for the infection it was most probably of the blood.

Mick and elaine both gasped and asked the doctor if the infection was lifethreatening. The doctors lack of response scared the kids to no end. Mick askee shirley and tina to take the kids out. Elaine pronounced the name of a complex infection which the kids had never heard of before as the doctors explained that that infection was the most likely cause. Mick could no longer look at the kids it was the same infection which linda contracted after the birth of their youngest johnny. They both spent weeks on the ward mick would spend hours just looking at the monitor praying for the smallest thing just a little heart beat he couldn't lose linda. Johnny was premature but even then he was strong. She had given mick the best things in the world love and children. All he wanted now was linda back to spend the rest of his life with luckily she pulled through but it was still the scariest time of his life its something he has never been able to forget.

The doctors asked mick and elaine questions about last time and they explained how bad the reaction was and how close she came to losing her life this scared the kids who refused to leave. They had always been told about johnnys premature birth but not about lindas infection and how she nearly died. Nancy felt so guilty she had always taken the micky about of linda for being so over protective of johnny but now she understood why. She just didn't understand why linda or mick hadn't told them before.

The doctors continued to question mick about linda asking about how she had been coping since the operation about how well she had been taking her medication and how well she was eating. He explained other than not eating she was fine. But mick could see the looks what nancy was given tina and remembered the strange atomsphere that he had walked into this afternoon. Mick demanded that nancy explained what happened. Tina interupted to stop mick from being angry at nancy. Tina explained how linda had collapsed this morning after the row with shirley. But how linda made them keep it a secret as she did want to worry mick.

Mick looked distressed again linda was protecting mick in his mind it was supposed to be the other way round.

All of a sudden after the doctor had left to check on linda nancy collapsed having an epileptic fit. Even a small of stress could bring one on. Lee and shirley said that they would stay with linda while the others went with nancy. Mick was torn but be knew that linda would want him to go with nancy as their kids were her world.

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