part 4

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Back at the hospital linda is in an unstable condition as the doctors can't find out whats wrong with her as no one not even mick knows that she is pregnant. Even hard nut nancy begins to cry just as sharon turns up to support them. Lee has no luck and returns to the pub to wait for mick there with shirley and stan. Mick finally leaved blades now that he has calmed down and bumps into kat and alfie they ask him who was in the ambulance and he freaks out running straight to the pub thinking it was his dad. When he arrives back at the pub and sees shirley lee and stan having a drink he doesn't understand and then he looks at shirley and automatically knows that something is wrong with linda and demands anwser. They can't give him much all that they know is that it looks like she fell down the stairs and cracked he head. They leave out the bit about the bleeding they don't want to worry him. Lee promisses to drive mick to the hospital and shirley and stan will keep an eye on the pub.

linda's christmas hellWhere stories live. Discover now