Part 13

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Mick arrives at the albert and finds lee slumped over on one of the corner tables. Mick takes away lee's drink aaking him to explain what this is all about. Eventually lee explains feelings to mick while they both have a drink. Lee begina to explain hiw helpless he feels ge want to be there for him mum yet he doesn't know how to be as linda still hasn't fully explained all the kids know is at some point dean attacked their mum. He wants to know more but mick promised linda that he wouldn't. He had already broke her trust by telling stan, shirley and tina and ge nearly lost her he couldn't risk that again. Mick shows support to lee by explaining that he feels the same as they can never understande or image what was like. He explains that they just have to be there fir when she is ready.

Back at the vic shirley begins to panic thinking what has dean done. Although she always stood by her son saying that he didn't rape linda ever since linda said that she aaked him to stop she's had a doubt in her mind. Especially now she can see how violent he had been. Shirley rushes over to linsa grabbing a beer towel so that she can stop the bleeding but linda just flinches. Shirley can see and feel gow terrified linda is a she can feel her physically shaking.

Dean begins to shout protesting his inosence he shouts that linda led him on and that she wanted to cheat on mick and that rape was just a cover up so that her relationship with mick wouldn't be over. This worries linda futher but she knows that if she is ever going to get anyone to believe her that she had to make dean admit what he did, to hopefully put an end to this for good.

She begint to speak which unnerves dean. She begins to explain what really happened how he became obsessed with her hiw he forced her to kiss him and the way which he always used to touch her. Sean became more and more angry as linda continued to speak. She explains how she has been unable to sleep as its there hes there everytime she closes her eyes. Dean screams tgat your a liar before taking another lunge at linda this time shirley was there to stop him. No I'm not protested linda look at what you have done to me. Look at what you have done to my family. You grabbed me and held me down and you raped me you raped me dean .

Deans eyes begin to Flutter You raped me just say it say it dean say what you did to me. Dean crys yes i did I did it ok but you wanted it you deserved it. Shirley was gob smacked her son actually did it he raped her daughter inlaw. Shirley slapped him as linda just crumbled as much as she wantef him to admit it it just made it all the more really. Her brother in law raped her and she could stop him. Deans anger grew causing him to smash up all the clean glasses. She made me he shouted NO DEAN she didn't shouted shirley back.

Back at the albert mick and lee finish their drinks and apologise to sharon about the mess. As they leave mick calls johnny and nancy to tell them that he had found lee and that they would see him at home.

Shirley tries to calm down dean but he's having none of it he runs out screaming that this isn't the end you linda haven't seen the last of me. Shirley turns arround to see linda so that she can apologise fir not believe her, but linda has turned pale and is struggling to stand. Shirley moves quickly catching linda as she properly collapses on the floor. Shirley had never seen anything like it before. Linda went pale and her eyes rolled back into her head. Linda starts fitting, shirley doesn't know what to do so she just shouts for help!!!

Dean runs into lee and mick on the way back to the salon. As they walk past him they both get a bad feeling as soon as lee spots the blood on deans hands they both
run to vic paniced......

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