Part 10

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The sound of linda collapsing on the fall made nancy come running in. By the time nancy has run over to her mum linda was awake. Tina and nancy tried to get her to stay still so that they could call for a ambulance. Linda's replied was quick and sharp. She didn't want an ambulance as she only fainted all she wanted was to get up slowly grab some pain killers and go to sleep. Nancy was midway through calling her dad when tina and linda asked what she was doing. Linda grabbed the phone from nancy. She explained that she was ok and that there was no need to call or worry mick.

She made them promise that they would tell mick either which nancy wasn't pleased about as it was secrets that has caused all this pain. Nancy partly blamed herself for her mums ordeal as she could have told her dad about the kiss months ago preventing dean from getting close to her mum. Also she felt so guilty as she was amongst those who believed that she was having an affair with dean, she should have believed her mum, she knew how long her mum and dad had been together and how much they loved each other.

Once nancy and tina agreed with linda nancy cleaned up in the kitchen while tina helped linda into bed. Tina told linda that she totally believed linda as she had seen how controlling dean was with lauren and how particular he was about everyone as they had shared a flat together. Dean would often ask about linda in a way which mow seems strange at first tina though he was just being kind but now looking back it was borderline obsessive.

Tina passed linda a glass of water so that she could take her pain killers. She also tried to get linda to eat something as on the label of the tablets it said not to be taken on an empty stomach, but linda wasn't listening she just wanted the pain to stop. Just before tina was about to leave she explained that mick had the right to know but she would do as linda asked. Linda was pleased with this. Tina went on to explain that mick had told her everything and that she totally believes her. She just wanted linda to know that she was there for her and that if she needed anyone to speak to that wasn't mick then she was there. Tina thought of linda as more of a sister although they hadn't been around each other for years they had know each other for about 25 years as mick and linda met when they was just 12 and from that moment onwards thamey have been inseparable. Well up until the rape. This was the first time that linda had been dishonest with mick and it killed her she just wanted to protect him as any loving wife would. Tina understood that there would be somethings that linda might want a girl to talk about and she was that person for linda if she ever needed help or support.

On the way back down stairs tina bumped into nancy who was clearly concerned for her mum. Tina explained that she just needed rest and that i was the best thing to do to not tell mick. Johnny and lee came over as they could tell that something wasn't right itvwas very unlike tina to be whispering she was normally the loud bubbly one. Lee continued to questione both nancy and tina but they both stayed quiet making their way back out to the bar to help with customers .lee hated this lack of honesty making him very angry. He always had a temper but never normally with is family. Mick came in singing aongs mainly to prove to the customers that everything was alright but almost everyone knew what happened between linda and dean but many didn't know who to believe. However as soon as mick saw the look on lee's face he stopped he placed his bag on the bar and began to question why everyone was in such a bad mood he worrying asked if it was linda but nancy and tina convinced him that she was fine. But lee was still having none of it a stormed off. Johnny headed after him with no luck. Once mick was settle tina head off as she was helping tosh with some decorating leaving nancy johnny and mick to man the bar.

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