Part 19

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Back at the Vic Tina, stan and shirley were all in the kitchen, it was about half 6 in the morning they had tried to sleep but like the kids had found it very difficult. Stan and shirley had never been big fans of linda they blamed her for taking mick away from them. But after 25 years and especially the last few months they realised just how much she did love him and how far she would go to protect him and her family. They knew mick would do exactly the same so the thought of anything happening to her worried them as they knew how badly this would affect mick. Tina checked in on the kids who were finally still sleeping. She also checked micks room to see if he had returned but he had and once she told shirley she said that she would go to the hospital to be there for mick and that once the kids were up and had eaten that they should all come down.

Shirley arrived at the hospital a little later and she went straight to linda still room as she knew that is where linda and mick would be. As she approached the room a nurse arrived. " excuse me you can't go in there"." Yes I can that my daughter in law"." I'm sorry I still can't let you go in they asked for no visitors". " but...". Just then mick walked down the same corridor. " it's OK she can go in she's telling the truth ". Mick explained that he put high security order on her door to stop dean from getting in. He didn't want anyone especially dean getting anywhere near linda again.

Once inside the roon mick asked for shirley to be quiet as they spoke as linda was finally sleeping as she had just been given another dose of painkillers.
" she looks terrible"." I'm sure she will really pleased with that, I know you still don't like her but that's not going to help"." Mick that's not what I meant"." I'm know, I'm just messing with you. She actually looks terrible, i hate seeing her like this. but let's not tell her"." Yeah definitely. But she will get better and when she does it will apologise as many times as it takes for her and you to believe me as I am truly sorry for not believe you two". " mum"." No mick I need to say this is knew as soon as linda told me I could see it in her eyes and I knew how much she loved you. I could see it in his eyes as well as"."mum your here now that's all that matters now as well as linda getting better"." And she will and we'll all be here for her and you"." Thanks mum". "I mean it to. If he ever comes back, anywhere near her I will personal stop him and kill him".

At the same time linda began to wake. She was able to hear every word that was being said. " no you won't he's not worth it"."linda"." No shirley I mean it for you and mick to build a relationship you have to leave it alone I can't keep going through this it's too much"." But he needs...."." But nothing this needs to stop ok we all need to find a way to move on ok. I need to move on"." OK"."mick?"." OK I promise I love you so much do you know that, and you can never do this to me again ok I can't sit and watch you in this place again, ok?"." OK I promise and I love you too!!".

linda's christmas hellWhere stories live. Discover now