Part 12

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Back at the vic when the pub had become quiet mick allowed nancy and johnny to finish working. With that they asked if he is sure as the pub is really messy they ask if he needed any help putting everything away but he reasures them explaining that he'll be fine and that they should go and have a good time at whitneys.

Once the kids leave mick locks away the days takings and locks the till and then goes and check on linda. He was still very worried about her he could tell that something had happened as tina and nancy where being very quite, but he didn't want to push them or linda as he thought it might be pushing her too far. He grabbed a cup of tea for linda before going into the lough where he had left her. The tv was still on but linda has fallen asleep the pain killers had kicked in allowing her to get some sleep ever since he ordeal with dean she hardly been sleeping more so towards christmas. It sadened him that she did tell him but he understood why she was just going what she thought was best for her family he just wished that for once she put herself first.

When he walked over to her she still hasn't eaten the small diner which he had made her. This added to micks worry he hated seeing his wife in so much emotional and physical pain but to add to this his beloved wife was just wasting away in front of him. He didn't want to wake her though as she looked so peaceful so he just left the tea along side a glass of water and her tablets.

Just as mick leaves linda he gets a call from sharon to say that lee has been at the albert all night and that he is so drunk that he's broken glasses and is refusing to leave. He tells sharon that he'll be right over leaving linda alone in the pub sleeping as he goes to collect lee.

Minutes later Linda hears the door being blashed down and loads of crashing downstairs. This worrys her. She looks in the kitchen and the bedroom looking for mick but she can't find hims so she ends up heading downstairs . Once down stairs she heads through to the bar and that terrified look on her face explains all....

Its dean !!!!

Shirley eventually leaves the salon once she herself has calm down. She heads to the chippy to get some food as she's know just like linda for not being the best cook. Once she has colllected her take away she goes back home. As she walks passed the vic eating her take out she hears crashing and screaming coming from the pub. She automatically drops her food and rushed to the pup. As she enters the pub she see's linda crying with bruised and bloody face with dean standing directly infront of her with scratches all over his hand.

linda's christmas hellWhere stories live. Discover now