part 6

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The next day the kids go home and shirley arrives mick explain about the rape and the way he was planning more kids but she didn't want anymore as she was already pregnant with a baby that he doesn't know who the dad is but it's too late to find out as she lost it and thats why she lost so much blood. Mick breaks down in his newly found mothers arms for the first time. He can't bare to think about a life without linda they have always been together for as long as he can remember he doesn't know has he will cope without her and how he will be able to tell the chilren about her death or the rape.

The doctor come in a removes the neck brace and informs mick that they are going to bring her out of her induced coma now and see how she cope as she was relatively stable through out the night. Shirley gives mick some time on his own. Mick pleades with linda to wake up and promises never to let her down again and to be there for her alway. Suddenly linda begins to choke as she wakes up from her coma and scares mick he rushes off to get help. Doctors come rushing in and remove the tube whilst checking her over. They tell mick to take things slow and not to tell her about the baby just yet. Mick says i can't believe i nearly lost you never do that again that scared me i can't live without you. Mick gives her some water. She replys don't worry i won't im yours nobody else's i will always be yours. i was so scared all i wanted was for you to hold me. Mick decided to ask linda to marry him properly finally after 25 years together as they got together when they were 12. They both start to cry and hug but linda pulls her stitches and demands to know what happened as she can't remember the whole day not even telling mick about the rape. Mick tells her that she fell down the stairs and the kids found her at the bottom in a pool of blood. She then looks at her stomach and mick tells her not to worry he know what happened and isn't the slightest bit angry with her and says not too worry they can always try again. She breaks down saying how sorry she was not telling him about dean but she didn't know how to and could never find the right time. She tell him that she doesn't want anyone else to know especially not shirley or the kids. Mick tells her that shirley already knows and the kids have a right to know as they have been so worried about her.

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