part 17

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Nancy was taken to a smaller ward where she was able to wake up at her pace. Mick tina and johnny all waited for her to wake as they wanted to make sure that she was ok. Once she did wake they was all so relieved. Although they always did worry about nancy more than the other kids mick needed to concentrate on linda at the moment. For now she had to be his main priority. Tina and mick stayed with nancy whike she was checked by one of the doctors.

Johnny made the walk back to his mums ward as he wanted to tell shirley and lee that nancy was ok as they couldn't use their phones on the hospital. Johnny was always a worrier it was just in his nature. He noticed that his mum wasn't quite right before christmas but she kept telling him not to worry. He wished that he had listened to his gut as he could have protected his mum or at least help her through it the best that he could. Linda had to cope for weeks by herself after the rape she thought that she was protecting her family but she was just damaging herself.

As johnny approached lindas room he saw lee outside the room. As he got closer he could see that lee was crying something that johnny wasn't used to. The only other time he had seen lee cry was when he explained about the death of his best friend in the army. Even then lee was being strong but today he just couldn't keep it in. Johnny just sat next to lee. He just waited for lee to be ready to speak. When lee was ready he explained how he just felt so helpless. Their mum had explained very little about what she went through at the hands of dean. The kids never pushed her as they could see how hard it was for her to talk about it. Lee continued to speak telling johnnny about how hard to was last time to see their mum. How hard it was to help her after he found her at the bottom of the stairs. He explained how he just went into this other mode and just followed his training. He just couldn't leave her there he had to help. Johnny reasured lee explaining that he did and without what he did he didn't think linda would be here today. Lee agreed he just explained how he wanted things to go back to normal. Johnny explained that they would and that their mum is strong and that she had overcome the infection before and that she would do the same again. With that lee wiped his face and went into the room with johnny allowing shirley to meet the others and get a drink.

Later once nancy had taken her medication and had a sleep all the family returned back to the waiting room. The doctor came back and wanted a work with mick and elaine this worried the kids but mick told the doctor that whatever he had to say they could say in with the others there. This wasn't the time for secrets the all needed to support each other. Doctors explained that after running the extra test that she didn't have the same infection as last time and that the infection was far less severe than first expected. Doctors said that she wanted allows visitor due to the time and the fact that she was sleeping but that they should all come back tomorrow. The look of relief on mick face was indescribable all his wishes had come true he couldn't go through what he went through last time. he just wouldn't survive it. With that tina and shirley lead the kids out of the room and back towards the car they want to give mick and elaine a minute.

Although they wasn't allowed to go in they both walked over to the window of the room to see linda. Elaine spoke first saying how small and pale she looked. Mick agreed with a slight wimper to his voice. Elaine comforted mick staying that she would be fine and that he should try and get some sleep tonight and that she would come and mick him up in the morning as they walked down the corridor to the exit.

Back in tinas car nancy phone went. It was a message from mick explaining that he was getting a lift with elaine and was going to stay with her as he didn't want to leave their nan on her own. And with that they drove back to the pub which they still had to clear away. However mick wasn't with elaine she was already on her way back to her own pub. Mick had told elaine that he left his jacket back in the other room and that he would see her tomorrow. Although he wasn't lying about the jacket he didn't leave he snuck into lindas room after the doctors had finished their round. He kissed her good night and climbed into her bed there was no way that mick was going to leave her on her own not after the last two times. He wanted to protect her and there was nothing that was going to stop him from being there when she woke.

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