part 1

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Christmas day all the carters are around mick and lindas. Once they have openned their presents and had their christmas dinner linda and dean are left alone in the kitchen right where he raped her. When he leans over her on the table she freaks out and nancy. Johnny and mick run into the kitchen. Mick tries to calm linda down but she won't stop crying, he tell the kids to give them a minute. Mick grows suspious of linda and dean and as linda continues to cry dean decides it time to leave and walks out just as shirley comes into the hall way, she decided to walk him out so that she can lock the door after. Back up stairs in the kitchen mick begs linda to explain whats going on as he's getting the wrong idea and thinks she's having an affair with dean. She finally stops crying and tells mick about deans attack. He freaks out and goes storming off down the stairs after dean as he leaves linda doubles over in pain. Mick finds shirley locking the door and demands to know where dean has done shirley asks why and he replies i just need to talk to him but why she replies i just do says mick. Mick gets angry and pushes shirley out the way shes follows slaming the door at the same time linda shouts out for mick but there's so reply shes walk to the stairs to follow him but collapses in pain and ends up falling down the stairs. Nancy, lee, johnny, tina and tosh all look out the window worried and assume the noise from linda falling down the stairs is the door slamming. Nancy worries and thinks she should go find and talk to her mum but johnny reminds her that mick said to give them some space and doesn't.

linda's christmas hellWhere stories live. Discover now