part 5

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Once he arrives at the hospital she runs straight towards the desk but then stops after seeing nancy getting a drink and follows her back to the ward. He wants to know what wrong but all the doctors are so busy as its christmas. Nancy tell mick that they managed to stablise her spine and her neck and stitched the gash on her head but was unable to stop the other bleeding so she's in surgery. Mick breaks down believing that he has lost the love of his life forever and its his fault for not being there and supporting her rather than running of after dean. Nancy wants to know what they were arguing about but mick refuses to say making him more upset as he begins too realise what his wife has been through without him by her side. Surgeons then wheel linda back to the ward and mick follows with the children. After they see her the man tell them that she lost way too much blood and that its touch and go but they did manage to get the bleeding under control after they realised what was wrong. He then askes the children to leave so that he can break the news that linda lost the baby he never knew she was carrying. This then makes mick think was the baby his or deans.

linda's christmas hellWhere stories live. Discover now