Part 9

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Few days later mick is out collecting a delivery early in the morning leaving the kids to set up the pub. Stan was out visiting ginger pete for the weekend as the tense atmosphere between the family was making it awkward for him to stay. While linda was recovering shirley also moved out to give them the space which they needed.

Mick had called tina to come and look after linda while he was out as he was still very worried out her as she was still very quiet and wasn't eating. But linda was very adimat that she didn't need anyone so tina just made it look like she had come for a free breakfast and lunch as tosh hadn't been shopping.

Tina, linda and the kids were all finishing their lunch, not that linda had really started, when tracy called up for help as the pub always picked up after lunch. Lee and johnny went down just as shirley arrived in the pub. She asked if tina was in the pub working and if she could see how mick and linda was as she was still very worried. Lee told her that mick was out but that tina and linda was upstairs they had just up the kettle on if she wanted to go up. Back in the kitchen nancy asked tina to stay for a little while longer so that she could have a shower. A minute after the shower started shirley turned up in the kitchen asking for a black coffee. Both linda and tina was very shocked that shirley had come as they hadn't spoken since before the accident.

Shirley began to ask how linda was and if she was coping linda explained that she was still in a lot of pain but that she was managing to cope see just want to be able to do something, especially with the pub. They end up sitting in silence shirley ends up getting to leave tina and questions her as to ask why she was leaving while linda stood up so shirley could get pass. Shirley explains that she can't be here. Linda ask why as she knows that shirley knows about the rape but doesn't know if tina knows. Shirley replies with you know why. Tina begins to twig. Linda questions if shirley believes her. Shirleys face says it all she doesn't, shes always hated lindas relationship with mick blaming her for not being able to tell mick that she was his mum. Shirley begins to shout that she knows her son and that he's not like that. Like what questioned linda the look on her face showed that she was in pain.

Not a rapist. She shouted. Your son raped me right her in this room right where your standing while my kids were down stairs. How could one boy do that i couldn't stop him explained linda with tears in her eyes. Tina could see how upsetting it was for linda. She asked shirley just to listen to linda as they both needed to understand what exactly happened. Shirley questioned linda asking if she was scared that no one was believing her especially her kids nancy knew about the kiss before and shirley used this to persuade linda that not even her kids believed her and that she was now even more alone. Your the one thats scared too scared to admit the truth that your a poor mother who as raised a rapist replied linda. With that shirley left.

All this fighting was too much for linda. Tina walked after shirley trying to get her to listen but she just kept on listening. As she returned to the kitchen she watched as linda collapsed. Linda stood there shaking her face went pale and her balance went. Finally her eyes rolled back and she collapsed.

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