Part 14

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Mick and lee brust through the doors of the pub to tibd linda collapsed on the floor fitting with shirley lee and mick take over looking after linda as they have experience as mick and lindas daughter nancy has eplisey. Shirley runs round to the other side of the bar to call 999. Mick shouts at lee to go and grab some towels and a blanket to put behind lindas head and keep her warm as she's freezing. Mick calls to linda to wake but she is unresponsive. Mick is so worried.

Shirley finishes on the phone and tells mick that an ambulance will be here shortly. Mick is in an unfit mental state and demands to know what is going on and what happen. He screams at shirley demanding to know why dean was covered in blood and why linda was all bruised. She tells him to calm down and explains that she will tell him later as now isn't the time as lee is here and linda needs him.

Lee returns with the blanket just as linda stops fitting. The paramedics arrive shortly after to take over from mick who was caring for linda. They checked her vitals and explained that she had a weak pulse and that they needed to go straight away. Mick said that he would carry as he was very protective.

Over the road nancy and johnny where just leaving whitneys when they saw the blue lights reflected in the windows. When they turned around they saw that the ambulance was at the vic. They rushed over to find out what happened. They found their dad crying carrying their mum into the ambulance. They both questioned lee to try and find out what happened but they were all in a state of shock. Only a while ago that they found their mum lying lifeless at the bottom of the stairs this couldn't be happening again. Lee explained that she was lying on the floor when they arrived and that they had spotted dean coming put of the pub. Mick goes with linda in the ambulance as he doesn't want to leave her side. Shirley is left with the kids to deal with as well as closing the pub. Shirley eventually calls tina to get her to come over to the vic with tosh's car so that she can drive her and the kids to the hospisal.

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