part 8

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A week later linda finally arrives home to a suprise party organised by tina and the kids as they know how much she loves a party but as he gets out of the cab she spots dean and collapses in fear this time mick is there to support her. Im here for you linda ALWAYS. They cancel the party and mick and linda sit watching the tele. Mick tell linda its time to tell the kids about dean and that he is now baned from the vic. Linda is worried. They all sit in the lounge and linda with the support of mick tells the kids what happened and they are so shocked but extremely supportive. However lee freaks out and runs out of the room shouting where is he I'm going to kill him linda rushes after him but collapses in pain. Nancy and johnny chase after him while mick catches linda and sit and kisses her in bed. He tell her things will calm down soon. I'm always here for you. I WILL ALWAYS TRUELY LOVE YOU L X and she then falls asleep in his arms.

Lee eventually finds dean walking out of blades as he had got to assess the damage which mick had caused. Lee stood there screaming at Dean asking him how he could do such a thing all they had done was welcome him into their family and that how he repays them. He starts hitting him. Nancy and johnny manage pull him away be for he did something that he would later come to regret. Lee storms off nancy and johnny decide to leave him to cool of as he actually scared them. Nancy told dean never to come back to the pub but with a cheeky grin he said what no thats my local. But shes my mum your pathetic. And with that they left him allone and went back to the pub they explained what happened to their dad as he had returned to the bar after leaving linda to sleep. He told them to give lee some space as everyone reacts differently. He been in the army and thats what he's trained to do. I'm always here if you need to talked explained mick and they all hugged. I love you lot dearly explained mick looking at his beautiful children.

linda's christmas hellWhere stories live. Discover now