Part 15

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On the way to the hospital linda still remained unconscious. Mick had this bad feeling deep down in the pit of his stomack he just feels so responsible. As everytime he leaves linda on her own something bad happens to endanger her. First was the rape and then her horrific fall on the stairs which caused her to lose her baby and then now this. The only thing is that he didn't know what was wrong or what happened he just feels like he's let her down again she put all her trust in him to tell him and he is ruining this trust. They had always been close but now it feels like they are growing apart rather than together. They always wanted a relationship like linda's parents as mick never had his in his life, and it turned out that his sister was his mum in the end.

When the ambulance arrives linda is rush in to a high dependancy ward. Just before linda was wheeled into the room she wakes slowing and tenderly she could feel the pain that was as result of bruising and cuts to her face. She placed her hands on her stomack as the pain was intensifying as she come round. She turned around to see all the medical staff around her pushing her through the corridor with each light she saw the pain was intensifying and she could feel herself slipping all she wanted was mick. Without him she never truely felt safe. "Where are you taking her? " demanded mick. With this linda realised that she wasn't on her own and that mick was there like always. " mick " cried linda. " we're taking her to the ward" said one of the doctors " but she's going to be ok" questioned mick "she will wont she?". A lack of response from the doctors confirmed micks worst fear " we just don't know we have to fun tests first to establish the cause and then we can take it from there, ok?" The doctor replied. " mick" said linda again. This time heard and the on his face was amazing to see and so reasuring. " im so sorry" cried linda as she was wheeled into a private room " its ok i love you" mick cried back as the doors were closed. When the doctors closed mick could contain his emotions any more and droke down he just wanted to be there he felt so helpless and so to blame. He only just gotten nearly losing linda after her fall he could face that again. But by the looks on the doctors faces and the amount of machines that she was being hooked up to it looked like it was a real possibility.

Once he calms down he calls eliane to let her know what happened. She could tell how worried mick was by the lack of conversation that he was engaging in. "Mick what happened?"." I don't know we just walked in and she was just lying there". " what?" Questioned elaine. " i wasn't there i was out i should have been there its all my fault I'm so sorry what if...." he cried. Elaine interupted before he could continue. " mick don't she'll be fine you know how strong she is she's gotten through worse than this before, I'll be there as soon as i can. How are the kids?"." I don't know i haven't spoken to them yet I've got to go see you soon" and with that mick hung up the phone. He lied hee had no where to go but he couldn't listen to elaine trying to persuade that it wasn't his fault again. Soon after the kids arrive with shirley. They look ever so worried. They just about coped last time. They are all so close nancy doesn't like to admit it but she loves her mum and the though of losing her scares her half to death. Doctors carried on running in and out but no one would tell them anything all they could hear was the bleeping from the machines.

Kids go and get drinks as mick can tell how much this waiting around is up setting them. Elaine was arriving in the minute anyway so he told them to go and meet her so that she would know where to go.

Tina arrives shortly afters as she was busy parking the car. Once she was here mick and tina demand answers as linda was weak but fine this morning. " shirley what happen?". " i don't know I'm neing serious. Me and linda had a arguement this morning". " WHAT! WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HER?" shouted mick. " just let me finish first be fore you kick me out". She demanded."please mick just listen" pleaded tina " fine ". So shirley continued. " we argued but something linda said upset me so i went to dean to get his version of events". " more lies then how can you listen to that scum!!" "Mick please". " she said that the kids where downstairs and that she asked him to stop. I asked dean and he said that she never but something in his eyes made me doubt him. Linda was so emotional and truthful and he could barely look at me. Anyway he asked me if i believed him but i just didn't know. So he ran off. As i was walking home later i could hear crashing in the vic i thought someone had broken in so i went over and i could hear lindas screams" " Oh god please " cried mick at this time shirley looked over and saw a single tear fall from micks cheeks. She wanted to spare mick all of the details but she knew that he would buy it.

"As i walked in dean was punching linda. He steppef back as i tried to help her clean up as she was heavily bleeded. Dean was getting to sbgry. Linda confronted him but he just got more agressive and defensive blaming her." At this point mick stood up dramatically and stormed off looking for dean. But tina reminded mick that i wouldn't help and that linda needed him more. Shirley looked at her phone and played a clip. " nows not the time for music shirley" said tina " wait". The clip continued and all of a suden dean was shouting and they could hear lindas voice all jumpy. Shirley had recorded the arguement. The clip continued showing linda crying to dean about what he had done and how it gad ruined their family. Linda continued to explain how she could sleep as everytime she close her eyes all she could see was him. " thats enough" cried mick" wait a minute " ." Please shir" . But she didn't and the clip continued just as tina grabbed shirleys phone they heard what shirley was waiting for dean admitting it.

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