Day 22 - Double Deportation

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The fourteen travelers stood in line on the central lounge to face another deportation and see how it will go. They don't know what the public has chosen to stay in the cabin, but they have to face it as it is the only thing they can do for now.

Wearing all their best dresses, they wear them for the occasion, but they don't wish to be the ones who will be leaving the cabin. They don't want it to be that two travelers, but whatever the public voted for, they can be mad all they want, it's what the public has been seeing.

But these travelers believe that the viewers might not be seeing the actual events of what was happening inside the cabin. They might be seeing how some couple developed their feelings and all, but is it the only thing they've been holding on to stay in the game?

But it doesn't matter now, it's too late to think about that because the decision will be made and they cannot do anything about it.

"Travelers," the captain started. The voice they didn't want to hear tonight.

They've been wanting to talk to the captain and all, but they don't want to deal with these kinds of things. They looked so scared. They looked so frightened about being the ones who will leave.

"The time has come for two travelers to leave the cabin tonight," the captain said. "The public has been voting for the traveler they wanted to stay and it's time for us to know who will be staying... or who will leave us."

"Laura and Emilio," the captain said. "Both of you might have been one of the strongest couples here in the cabin since the beginning of the journey. Would it be one of you or both of you will be leaving?"

Laura and Emilio looked and hugged each other tightly. They're not sure about that though.

"Shannon and Carlos," the captain called them. "Just like Emilio and Laura, you're the couple who have been together since day one. You've been through up and down, but tonight would be the downfall for one of you? Or the both of you?"

"Cinema, Mallory, Chevalier, and Berkeley," the captain called them. "You've all met a few days after the first day, but you've made it all here together... but two of you could be going home tonight..."

They all feel so tense about it since the captain wouldn't just tell them about it.

"Minetta and Dong-Yoon," the captain called them. "Both of you might've been called the odd couple here... but that could change tonight. And to my recent arrivals, Antonio, Serron, Amanda, and Egon... your journey could be cut short here, or may not..."

There was silence after the captain talked to them. But not that long when their fear elevated even more.

"Travelers, it's time..." the captain said. "The public has been voting for 24 hours who they would like to stay... and here they are."

They all took a deep breath, hold each other hands and wait for the captain's announcement.

"You'll stay to continue your journey on my cabin... Serron."

"What?!" he was so shocked he couldn't expect he would stay. He quickly hugged everyone as he wasn't expecting to be called first. He stood in front of them. "Thank you, captain... thank you to everyone!"

Serron stood on the side and wait for the captain's next announcement.

"You could still continue your journey to find your love... Dong-Yoon."

Just like Serron, he was so shocked he'll stay again. He felt so relieved as he joined Serron on the side.

"You're not leaving my cabin tonight... Antonio."

"Yes!" he exclaimed as he heard his name. He joined the others on the side.

And then the captain continued announcing the names of travelers who will be staying in the cabin. After Antonio, he was followed by Amanda—the new arrival. She was so confident that her followers might've voted for her to stay. She was followed by Chevalier. When Cinema heard his name and was saved, she felt her chest beating so loud as she has the possibility of being deported tonight.

After Chevy, Laura followed him. She just had a huge smile when she heard her name. Emilio felt relieved for her, but he would be so happy if he would hear his name next. After Laura, Shannon was called and she was so happy, but afraid for Carlos yet she believes he would get to stay if she was. Then it was another beauty that was called, it was Mallory and she might be feeling fine now, but Berkeley is still at risk of being deported.

And then it was another beauty, Minetta. Dong-Yoon is happy that she's safe because they still look at her as a couple.

And then there were five... four hunks and one beauty.

Emilio, Carlos, Egon, Berkeley, and Cinema. Who would stay and who will leave?

"The tenth traveler is... Carlos," the captain announced.

Shannon celebrated when she was saved. She immediately run towards him and gave him a tight hug... and a passionate kiss in front of everyone. After that, they joined the others on the side.

"The eleventh traveler is... Emilio."

"Yahoo!" Emilio celebrated. Laura became a little emotional about it, but she's happy that he was safe. He joined her and embraced him with kisses planted on her hair.

"And there are three travelers left..." the captain said. "One of you will be staying tonight while the two of you will be leaving the cabin immediately. Let's begin... the last traveler who will get to stay for another night is... Egon."

Egon hugged Cinema and Berkeley. Cinema's heart sunk so deep when she knows that she'll be leaving the cabin tonight and wouldn't be able to continue her journey with Chevy.

"I'm sorry Cinema and Berkeley, but you're journey in Continental Romance and to find love has been cut short. Thank you for spending your time with us and becoming part of our travel experience... you have thirty minutes to prepare your things and say goodbye to your co-travelers. Bon voyage..."

After that, Chevalier quickly rushed towards Cinema and gave her a tight hug.

"Please don't be sad about this," she said to him. "Continue your journey here... find some love..."

"And if I don't?" he questioned.

"Then come find me... out in the real world," she said. "Be strong, Chev..."

And before he even let her go, he kissed her for so long... and hugged her tightly.

Mallory and Berkeley shared the same sentiments because they just became a couple and they've had a good connection for the past few days and now... he's leaving and she has to make a new one. But she made a promise with him, if she was deported on the next one, they should meet and continue what they had in the cabin... because for now, two couples have lost their pairs and it's time for them to start over... and find new connections.

Estimated Time of Departure:

30 minutes

WTS: Continental Romance (Season 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon