Ch. 1 "Beginning"

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                                                           Parker POV 

I sat in the empty loft of a old barn. the lap top in my lap. as my fingers flew across the keys. 

You see I am the best when it comes to hacking. You want someone found. I can find them. you want something to go away. I can make it disappear.

You want something fake like ID. social security card. I can help you disappear if you want. but it all comes with a price. 

Best part I don't leave any kind of bread crumb trail for feds or police or Shield to find. 

Right now I am currently looking into something personal. 

About 10 months ago both of my parents were killed in the line of duty. 

You see my family comes from a long line of military men and women. even my grandfather who I live with now was in the army. He was a general. 

He even tells me stories about world war 2. 

I shook my head. 

But back to what I was saying. my parents being killed said there was a mutiny meaning someone within the unit betrayed them. 

But the weird part is you can't find it in the military system. like it was completely cleared out. I tried the police system. 

Still nothing. 

My last recourse would be Shield I know it is very risky breaking into their files and system looking into specifically my parents just might put a giant target on my back. 

But I need to know. 

I took a deep breath. 

"Well here goes nothing." I mumbled 

My fingers flew across the keys until finally I was in. 

And Finally there it was Unsolved. 

I looked into the file. my eyes scanning as fast as I could. I didn't want to stay too long into Shield database. 

Or they could pinpoint my location. 

                                             Third Person POV 

The avengers were in a meeting talking about latest stunt when Fury burst though the doors. 

"Come in why don't you" Tony said 

"Not now Stark we need your help right now." Fury said 

Tony's eyebrow raised. 

"Someone is hacking into our database." Fury said 

Tony stood up. 

Tony was concerned since he was the one who created the security measures for the database. 

Steve and Bucky were following close behind him. 

"How long ago did they break in?" Steve asked 

"Two minutes ago." Fury said 

"Are they still in?" Tony asked 

"Yeah." Fury said 

Tony sat at the computer trying to follow the trail of the hacker. 

"Covered their tracks. smart." Tony said 

"Can you track them?" Bucky said 

"Is the grass green? of course I can." Tony said rolling his eyes. 

His fingers flying across they keys. 

                                     Parker POV 

An alert came across my screen. showing that they were breaking through my firewall. 

I smirked. I know this wasn't shield this was either Tony or Natasha. yeah I know the avengers real names. 

I may have also found that file. 

"Okay.. lets play." I mumbled typing on the keys. 

"Follow the bait." I mumbled 

                                       Tony POV 

"I am almost there for some great hacker they didn't cover their tracks very well." I  said 

"You find them?" Fury said 

"Almost." I said 

                                               Parker POV 

I chuckled 

"Too easy." I mumbled 

I typed across the keys hitting enter knowing full well what I just did. 

I smirked 

"Good luck next time Stark." I said smirking 

                                Tony POV 

As I was almost to the location everything lit up red. 

In big bold letters.

"Better luck Next Time Stark." It said and suddenly all the computers crashed 

My eyes went wide. 

"Great. now we have no idea who was hacking us!"Fury said getting pissed 

"Not necessarily I did find what they were looking at." I said 

"What?" Steve said 

"The deaths of Emily and David Brendon" I said standing up

Something came across Fury's face. but then it was gone. he stormed out of the room we all looked at each other. 

                                            Parker POV 

I closed the laptop and smirked. 

"That was fun." I said standing up. 

I put the laptop in my backpack. and jump down the loft and head home. I walked in the house. to see Pop pop sitting in his wheelchair watching tv. 

"Hey Pop Pop i'm home." I said 

"You see this?" He said in a gruff voice. 

I looked at what he was watching. 

They were talking about how the fifth teen girl has gone missing. 

"That's so awful." I said sitting on the couch next to him.

"Yes. It wasn't this dangerous back before the war." He said with a shaky voice 

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