Ch. 18 "Discovery"

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                                                Parker POV 

After getting lectured by Steve about how important school is and well I kinda tuned him out after that ever watch Charlie Brown well you know how the adults make that weird noise when they talk that pretty much summed up how I tuned him out. 

So today I decided to strategize a little better so I went to the principles office telling them it won't be at least a week before I am ready to come back that I would like the weeks work now. 

The principle's secretary nodded I mean what are they going to say no knowing full well I lost the last of my family. 

After a few minutes she hands me a bunch of books.

"Here you go." She said 

"Thank you." I said shoving everything in my bag

I walked out of the school Lately I have been more distant, reserved and just plain don't care anymore. 

I'm sure everyone has picked up on it including Peter we used to be enemies now he's been being nice which is odd. 

                                     Bucky POV 

We were in Parker's room, when I mean We I mean me, Steve and Nat. Me and Nat were looking through her stuff. 

"This isn't right." Steve said 

"Yes it is she's a teenage girl who is distancing herself because of the obvious. This is just a precaution that she's not doing anything illegal," Nat said 

"Such as?" Steve said 

"Drinking, drugs, stealing." I said as I was looking under the bed I found a big envelope I grab it and pull out the papers 

"Find something?" Nat said 

I was scanning the papers and my eyes widen. 

I looked over the paper at Steve. 

"What is it?" He said walking over to me I hand him the paper Nat was reading over his shoulder 

"He left you both legal guardian of Parker?" She said 

"How did she get this?" She asked 

"I don't know" Steve said 

"Did you two know?" She asked 

We both shook our heads. as we looked at each other 

                                       Parker POV 

I was at one of my favorite spots outside of the city. I was sitting along the cliffs edge looking out at the city. The sun slowly creeping down behind the buildings. 

I sighed 

"He told me not to let this break me.... But I was already broken.." I whispered looking down at the small picture in my hands my locket that is always around my neck. With me and my parents and the other side had pop pop and me. 

I lost everything. I no family left. I hear someone land behind me. I don't look I just keep looking down. 

"You know everyone is looking for you." I hear Peter 

"They don't need to." I said 

"They're all worried about you." He said sitting next to me 

"And as much as I hate to say it so am I." He said 

I smiled a little 

"Don't tell me you're getting soft on me." I said with a little chuckle 

He laughed 

I stood up 

"Need a lift?" He asked 

Yeah I know he's Spiderman due to living in the tower 

"No I can walk." I said 

He nodded taking off 

I grabbed my bag and walked back into the city. by the time I got back to the tower it was dark. 

I hit the button to the elevator and It takes me to the floor the living room was dark. I start to walk towards my room until the light clicked on. 

"Busy night?" I hear Bucky 

I slowly turn around to See him and Steve not looking too happy. 

"It's only ten." I said 

"Oh only did you hear that Steve? Only ten o'clock." Bucky said 

I didn't have the time or patience for this. 

I turned around and started walking away. Only to have my wrist grabbed 

"We're not done." Bucky said 

"I think we are, I admit I'm wrong you're right. Now I'm going to my room with no dinner." I said in a dull tone 

Both of them were looking at me like I had three head. I took that as my time to leave and went into my room closing the door and throwing my bag on the floor flopping on the bed with my face in the pillow. 

What's the point in arguing anyway... I thought  

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