Ch. 14 "Shock"

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Parker POV

It was late that night, it took a lot of prying and persuading to get me to leave Pop Pop, I was laying on my side in bed still in the same clothes, I was in shock extremely sad and devastated at the same time,

I turned on my other side and seeing it was 2Am,

I sighed sitting up,

"You seem in distress Miss Brendon would you like a sedative," The AI said

"No, I don't need a damn sedative," I mumbled

I grabbed my backpack,

I opened my door looking both ways no one was awake,

I walked down the hallway when I heard talking,

"She needs time," I hear Steve's voice,

"You and I both know this is more than time she needs, Steve she's devastated she just lost her last living relative, you and I both know very well how that feels," Bucky said

I sighed

quietly taking the stairs, and walked out of the tower, making my way to pop pop's house,

After a few blocks I finally get there, using my key to get in, putting the code in the alarm system,

I make my way to his study putting the numbers in the combination,

I sit criss crossed in front of the safe, looking at all the stuff he has inside it,

Photo's of when I was first born, photos of my parents, then I come to the yellow envelope,

I open it,

I skim over the documents, and at the bottom was his signature,

He signed custody of me to Steve and Bucky, just in case anything would happen to him before I was 18,

He gave me all his assets including the house after I turn 18,

My lip quivered,

Steve POV

It was around 10Am and Parker still didn't come out so I decided to check on her,

I knocked,

"Parker it's Steve," I said

No answer,

"Parker?" I said opening the door,

I looked around she wasn't anywhere to be found,

I searched the entire room,

"Friday where is Parker?" I said

"She seems to have left in the early hours of the morning,' The AI replied

"What?!" I said

I rushed to the elevator

"Whoa Cap where's the fire?" Tony said

"Parker she's gone" I said

Everyone looked at each other concerned

"Where would she go?" Clint said


                                Parker POV

He left me everything...

I sniffled trying to prevent myself from crying, 

then I find an white envelope with my name on it, 

I see flashlights and hear footsteps, I quickly put everything in my backpack shutting the safe, 

I quickly climb out the window shutting it behind me, jumping from the two story balcony, 

I make my way back to the tower, 

I enter the tower, taking the elevator surely they didn't find out I left right, 

The elevator doors open to see everyone looking worried as Steve was on the phone and Bucky was pacing back and forth they all look in my direction 

or not, I thought 

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