Ch. 11 "Conflict"

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                                                         Parker POV 

"Your fast you know that. for someone so small." Bucky said 

"Yeah well your fast for someone who looks like their on steroids." I said crossing my arms. 

They both chuckled. 

"What do you need to talk about I'm kinda in the middle of something if you two don't mind." I said 

I motioned towards the hospital. 

"Yeah um that's what we wanted to talk to you about." Steve said rubbing the back of his neck. 

I arched my brow. 

"You can't keep doing this it's not good for your health." Steve said 

I stiffened. 

"Excuse me?" I said 

"Your not sleeping. your not eating. this isn't good for your health." Bucky said 

"I'm fine." I said glaring at the both of them

"Really?" Bucky said 

"Yes." I said 

"Okay if your fine when was the last time you ate?" Steve said 

I glared at the two of them. 

"That's none of your concern." I said 

"Oh on the contrary princess." Bucky said 

"Don't call me that." I said glaring at him. 

"Parker we are just worried." Steve said 

"Look you have nothing to worry about. so why don't you two go rescue a cat from a tree or smash through wall or whatever you two do." I said 

"Is that supposed to be a joke?" Bucky said 

"What do you think your the hero." I said rolling my eyes. 

I went to leave but Bucky grabbed my wrist. 

"Let go." I said 

He brought my hand closer to his face looking at my knuckles. 

Examining the broken skin. 

"Did you get into a fight?" He asked 

"No." I said trying to pull my hand away but I keep forgetting he is way out of my weight class. 

"Lets go were going back to the tower. you are going to eat something then sleep." Bucky said 

"Yeah that's going to happen. it's been fun boys but I have things too do." I said about to walk away but then suddenly I was thrown over Bucky's shoulder. 

"Hey! you put me down you over muscled meat head!" I yelled 

"Who the hell are you calling a meat head?" He said 

"You! this is how you resolve conflict!? No wonder your single!" I yelled as I smacked his back

"My love life has nothing to do with this." He grumbled 

"Put me down!" I yelled 

We entered the tower and finally Bucky set me down. 

"Don't you ever do that again." I said pointing and glaring at him. 

"Maybe next time you will listen to me." He said smirking 

I just rolled my eyes. 

"Come on we have more to talk about." Steve said pressing in between my shoulder blades gently as we walked 

I sighed in defeat and just followed

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