Ch. 10 "Anger"

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                                                   Parker POV 

The alarm on my watch woke me up. telling me I had to get up for dang school. My eyelids slowly flutter open. 

And I was extremely confused. I don't get confused often. but this is one of those rare moments. 

I was suddenly back in the tower. If my memory serves correctly which it does 99% of the time I fell asleep in the hospital next to pop pop. 

So unless there is a wormhole in the universe someone brought me back here. I thought as I sat on the edge of the bed in some what of a daze. 

Suddenly my watched buzzed again. 

Oh cheese and rice if I don't hurry my butt up I'm going to be late.. again. I thought 

I rushed around in the room brushing my teeth and hair and getting dressed. grabbing my back pack. 

hopping on one foot as I rush out the door to put my shoes on. 

I quickly get on the elevator tying my shoes and once it gets to my floor I take off running. as I'm running I looked down at my watch. 

"Ten Minutes I just might make it." I mumbled as I sprinted down the side walk. 

Good thing my parents put me in track at a young age. my hair blowing as I ran past the mast of people. 

I just hit the one minute mark as I entered the school. 

I bound around the corner only to run into someone we collided causing me to fly in one direction. 

"I'm so sor-" I began but seen who it was and glared

Peter Parker. 

Me and him kinda have a history and to sum it down from that history we pretty much hate each other. 

He glared back. 

"Well I was going to say sorry but I only say sorry to people who deserve it." I said 

"I don't deserve it?" He said with anger

"You were running." He said 

"So were you." I said glaring at him 

"At least I have a excuse I was in the office. what's yours?' He said glaring at me 

"None of your business." I said glaring at him 

"What mom and dad couldn't drive you today." He said with a glare 

And that pretty much did it for me before I could even think about what I was doing my body was already moving. 

I right hooked him so hard he fell to the ground. 

"Keep my family out of your filthy mouth." I said glaring down at him. 

He looked up at me in utter shock. sure we've shared some hate words and insults but it has never led to physical. 

Well not until now. but hey he deserved that one everyone that knows me well knows full well how fresh that wound is. and you are not telling me he doesn't know about it. 

And so here we both sit in detention I am sitting in the back glaring a hole through the back of Peter's head. 

He deserved it. I thought

I had my arms crossed as they laid on the desk and my chin resting on them. 

I could be sitting with pop pop right about now. but no I have to spend it here with freaking Peter. I thought as I waited and Waited 

After what seemed like a forever I left and ran out of the school like it was on fire I was running past people who were looking at me like I was crazy just as I was about to reach the hospital someone's hand wrapped around my wrist. 

I spun around about to hit whoever dared to touch me. only for my fist to be caught. 

"Nice hook." I hear 

I look up to see Bucky. 

I was a bit confused. 

"Uh thanks.." I said 

"We need to talk." Steve said appearing out of no where 

"Umm okay?' I said not sure what was going on now

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