Ch. 5 "Visit"

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                                                Steve POV 

I changed out of my workout clothes after I got the call from Parker. I could tell something was wrong just by the tone of her voice. 

She seemed in distress sad. 

She told me what happened it seems that her Grandfather suffered a massive stroke. she told me she just needed advice on what to do with this situation. 

But what advice can you tell a teenage girl who clearly takes care of her grandfather. So I decided to go see her talk to her. 

I was about to get on the elevator. 

"Where are you going at Three in the morning?" I hear Bucky's voice. 

I sighed 

"It's complicated." I said stepping on the elevator 

"Well tell me anyway." Bucky said getting on the elevator 

I was staring straight ahead. 

"Parker called.." I said 

"The little hacker?" He asked 

I nodded 

"Her grandfather had a stroke." I said 

I looked over at Bucky. who looked stunned by this information. 

"So I'm going to the hospital.." I said not really sure where I was going with this,

"I'll go with you." Bucky said 

I arched my brow. 

"Don't act all surprised. I do care you know. Kid lost her parents now this is happening to her grandfather. I may have been under HYDRA but I'm not heartless." Bucky said crossing his arms

I nodded 

After stopping at reception and getting a little lost and redirected we finally find the room. curled up on a chair with a book laying against her chest was Parker fast asleep. 

And in the hospital bed was her grandfather. 

The nurse walked by to check on his vitals. 

"How long has she been here?" I asked nodding towards Parker. 

"A few days. we were going to get her to leave but he is her only family." The nurse said 

Me and Bucky looked at each other 

                                                Parker POV 

I jumped awake at the sound of a door shutting. 

I looked at Pop Pop he's still out. I looked at my watch. almost four am. 

I closed my book putting it back in my backpack. I stood up rolling my shoulders and walked out of the room to the cafe to get some coffee. 

I filled the large coffee cup still half asleep. grabbing a bag of chips. and some cookies. 

Yeah junk food is way better than what they are serving. 

I rubbed my eyes as I got to the register. 

"Parker?" I hear from behind me. 

I look over my shoulder as I pay the lady. 

I see Steve and Bucky. 

I grabbed my stuff as I yawned. 

"Should have known you wouldn't have listened." I said 

Bucky smirked 

"Of course not. this is a very serious situation." Steve said 

I just nodded as we walked back to the room. 

Drinking the coffee. 

"Should you even be drinking that?" Steve said 

I gave him a really look. 

"Look I appreciate your concern but I only called you for your advice on this situation." I said finally making it to his room.

Steve nodded 

"That's why we came here we have a proposition for you." Bucky said 

I arched my brow.

Not really sure where they were going with this.

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