Ch. 9 "Understanding"

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                                                                     Parker POV 

So to say my attention in school was not the greatest. I was fully focused on pop pop. My plan was to go right to the hospital. 

I was not giving up hope. He had to pull through this. it was all my fault. 

I should have been there. if I would have been there maybe he wouldn't be in the condition he was in. 

How long was he laying there for? 

Did it happen when I decided to go to the loft and hack or do a favor? was it when I left in the morning? 

The bell finally rang. 

I gathered my stuff in my back pack. the day finally over. I grabbed all my books from my locker stuffing them in my bag and headed out. Instead of heading towards the tower. I decided to go in the opposite direction towards the hospital. 

I finally make it to the hospital about an hour of walking heading towards pop pops room. 

I sat down in the chair still finding him in the same condition I left him in yesterday. still none responsive. 

Still not waking up. 

I sighed gabbing his hand. my head on the edge of the bed. 

"Please wake up. Pop Pop I'm so sorry... please wake up. I need you.." I whispered 

"Your all I have left..." I whispered as I felt my eyes start to water. 

                                           Steve POV 

Me and Bucky were heading towards Parker's room. she never showed up for dinner. and it was getting late. 

"Parker?" I said as I knocked on the door. 

No answer. 

I looked at Bucky. 

He just shrugged 

I knocked again. 

"Parker it's Steve." I said 

Still nothing. 

I opened the door and walked in. 

I see the bed is made. probably a habit being raised in a military family. we see no signs of her even being here today. 

I looked at Bucky. 

"Friday where is Parker?" Bucky said 

"She left for school this morning but never returned." Friday said 

"What?" I said 

"She probably went to the Hospital." Bucky said 

I nodded looking at the time it was past one in the morning. 

"Come on lets go." Bucky said 

I nodded 

                                        Bucky POV 

We made our way to the hospital room seeing Parker curled up in a chair a text book laying next to her. 

"Grab her stuff." I whispered to Steve 

He nodded grabbing the books putting them in her back pack. 

I gently picked Parker up Bridal style. careful not to wake her. As I picked her up I realized how light the kid was. 

Her head resting against my chest as we walked out of the room. 

I looked down at her seeing the circles under her eyes. 

She's going to exhaust herself if she keeps doing this I thought as we finally arrived at the tower. 

"We're going to have to talk to her about this." Steve said 

I nodded. 

We walked into her room and I laid her down on the bed taking her shoes off and covering her with the blanket.

We leave her room. 

"We'll wait outside her school tomorrow and talk to her then." I said 

Steve nodded. 

Hopefully she understands. I thought 

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