Ch. 2 "Surprise"

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                                          Steve POV 

"Rogers. Barnes my office we need to discuss some things." Fury said as he walked 

Me and Bucky exchange looks but then follow. 

"Close the door." Fury said 

Bucky shut the door. 

"Have a seat." Fury said sitting at his desk. 

We both sit down. 

"I need a favor from you two." He said 

He pushed a file towards us. 

I took the file and opened it. 

Inside it was the information the hacker was looking at. 

Ashlynn and David Brendon they we killed in the line of duty they were military. but there was a betrayal in the unit and got killed. 

"Why are you showing us this?" I asked 

"Because I know exactly who hacked into this." Fury said 

I raised an eyebrow. 

"How do you know we didn't even trace them yet." Bucky said 

"Because I caught her doing this exactly same thing five years ago." Fury said smirking slightly as if he was reliving the memory. 

"Okay?" I said 

He cleared his throat. 

"Turn the page." He said 

So I did. 

It showed a picture of a small girl. dark long hair and blue eyes. 

Parker Brendon. at the time she was nine. the daughter of Ashlynn and David. 

I looked up at Fury. 

"This is who hacked us? but she's just a kid." I said 

"A very smart kid. she's fourteen now. I want you two to pay her a visit you might be generally surprised at what you'll find." Fury said 

"She lives with her grandfather now. I'll send you the address." Fury said walking out. 

"What the hell was that about?" Bucky said 

"I have no idea." I mumbled standing up 

"Come on looks like our weekend just go a little more exciting." I said 

Bucky nodded 

We finally come to the address. I rang the doorbell. 

"Just a minute." We hear a older gruff voice on the other side of the door. 

The door open's and my eyes almost bug out of my head. 

He was my General. 

I look at Bucky and he has the same look on his face. 

"Ah Steve, James, Been a long time hasn't it." He said gruffly 

"Uh. yeah." I said 

"Please come in." He said as he wheeled in his wheel chair

Bucky shuts the door from behind. 

"I would make you some tea but too shaky for that." He chuckled 

"That's alright." Bucky said 

We make it to the living room. 

"So what brings you by?" He asked 

"We came here to talk to Parker." Bucky said not holding any punches 

"Ah my granddaughter poor dear parents died about two weeks ago." He said shaky 

We looked at each other. 

"Actually it's been ten months." I said 

"Oh.. yeah that's right." He said waving his hand. 

"Is Parker here?" Bucky asked 

"I don't remember but you can check her room upstairs last door on the left." He said 

Bucky nodded standing up. 

he was gone for a few minutes and came back. 

"She's not there." He said 

"She should be back anytime." He said 

We looked at each other something didn't seem right. 

                                    Parker POV 

After doing some runs and getting some skateboarding in. and doing some favors if you get my drift. 

I picked up some stuff from the store and made my way home. 

I figured Pop Pop was in the living room. 

"Sorry I'm late. I got stuff to make chilly." I said making my way to the kitchen. 

I was unpacking the bags and my back was towards the doorway. when I hear someone clear their throat. 

I turn around and come face to face with Bucky Barnes aka Winter Solider and Captain America aka Steve Rogers. 

My eyebrows scrunch. 

"Can I help you...?" I asked 

Knowing full well what they were doing here. they caught my trail. but I needed to play this right.

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