Danger Lover

533 27 14

I stare at him completely stunned, still reeling from all the excitement. I stare straight into his eyes, my mouth wide open and my lips quivering.

I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster.

Upside down, at a hundred and twenty kilometers an hour.

He chuckles shyly, amused by my reaction. "I'll take that as a yes." He concludes, smiling fondly and continuing to keep his gaze fixed in mine.

As if by magic, I recover from my astonishment: my mind had been stuck, paralysed, still on the kiss from earlier.

"Yes, I do." I reply in a whisper.


I didn't want to make it sound like a marriage proposal.

Jake immediately bursts into a big laugh. I can't tell if it's because of the "ambiguous" words I instinctively uttered, or the languid tone of voice they came out with.

The fact is that they served to defuse the tension. Both tensions, to be precise. Both the one caused by our quarrelsome screaming earlier, and the sexual one....

"You know, I've been meaning to ask you this since this morning." He admits, trying to mask his embarrassment. "There's one not too far from here, we can even walk there, you know? It's a pretty, uhm, spartan place... But it seems discreet and private, so it suits us." He chuckles, girding my hips and continuing, "I wanted to take you somewhere more elegant, but it's too risky..."

"It's perfect! I much prefer something simple than a pompous one." I laugh, tightening him to me.

As we release our embrace, he turns to me again, softly: "I'm looking forward to tonight..." Then, He modulates his voice, becoming serious again: "Now, unfortunately, we must return to our duties." He sighs, stroking my cheek briefly and returning to his seat in front of the computer.

I roll my eyes.
Duty calls.

"I need at least half an hour to take care of two things: installing Nym-Os on Hannah's phone, which will alert me if anyone tries to hack it, and extracting the first data from Alan's computer." He lists his tasks to me as soon as he turns the PC on, which had gone into standby in the meantime.

"Is there anything I can do?" I ask him, eager to make myself useful in some way. I regret that a good ninety percent of the work always falls on Jake's shoulders.

"Yes, please warn Jessica to don't use Hannah's phone and to keep it charged."

Speaking of Jessy...

The discussion earlier made me forget the second thing I wanted to say to him!

"I just remembered something." I begin, joining him near the desk.

He directs a quizzical look at me, and then utters a: 'Tell me"' in a dry tone, as if he suspects I'm not bringing good news.

"Jessy texted me earlier. She said she'd like to bring my car back." I sit down beside her "You know she had borrowed it to take Phil to the hospital..." I inhale and conclude in one breath: "And she'd like to bring Hannah's mobile phone back too."

He closes his eyes for a brief moment and lets out a loud sigh, as if to emphasize his next words: "It's dangerous, but we certainly can't force Jessy to keep her phone if she doesn't want to."

"I can understand her, she's had so many attacks these past few days..." I murmur quietly.

Her most of all. Starting with when she was attacked while we were on video chat, and ending with last night.

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