A Locksmith as a friend.

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I stare at Jake with a stunned expression on my face, gaping in amazement. I have no idea what he's talking about, let alone what is the device he's holding in his hands and wielding with utmost caution; but I'm extremely glad that he remembered my wish, which is to involve Dan in our plan somehow. He thought all by himself, a way to allow him to be useful, just to satisfy my request and make me happy.

He's a love.

What is more, I love his thoughtfulness toward me, which he also manifests in his willingness to fulfill my every single whim. He has always done so, not only on this occasion, but it strikes me that he planned everything exclusively in order to please me. Moreover, Jake is a genius; I'm pretty sure he will come up with something brilliant.

Okay, I admit it, I'm literally dying of curiosity.

I watch Dan nod in response, firmly and determinedly, as he rests his elbow on the armrest and tilts his upper body toward Jake. "Okay, I'm in." Then, he gives him a serious look, in a solemn tone of voice I never thought I'd hear coming from a person like Dan. "Count me in."

"But if you still don't know what you have to do..." Jessy bursts in, putting down on the table the pen she was writing with. Without taking her eyes off the paper, containing the list of items, she continues: "Wouldn't you rather know what it's concerning first?" She brings a hand to her forehead, smiling.

I shift my gaze back to Dan who, after listening to Jessy's comment, I see him shrug with a nonchalant attitude. "Oh no, there's no need." He answers her, still keeping a serious expression etched on his face. "I trust our friend Hackerboy here."

"The real problem is that Jake shouldn't trust YOU." Thomas snickers, amused by his own joke. "That item looks rather delicate and expensive..." Then, he continues, for the sole purpose of poking and annoying him further. "I'd never entrust it to you if I were in his place, but not even under torture."

I have to bite my lower lip, lest I burst out laughing; I immediately notice how Jake blanches at Thomas's words, ending up looking down, staring worriedly at the device still clutched in his hands. I think he's mentally cursing his obsession for me, to always wanting to please and amaze me with his brilliant ideas.

Dan, however, is too engrossed in showing Thomas the middle finger and telling him to go to hell, to notice Jake's strong rethinking. "Okay, let's hear Hackerboy, what am I supposed to do with that THING there?"

Wait, Did he really call "THING" the electronic device that Jake holds firmly in his arms, as if it's a priceless relic to be protected?

In fact, the word Dan just uttered instantly causes Jake to twitch involuntarily. I can clearly see him shuddering, in reaction to the affront he has just suffered, as he tries to draw on all of his self-control; but I know that the only thing he'd like to do, at this moment, is to sling himself at his new friend, intending to choke him with his bare hands.

It's impossible to not find the scene before my eyes amusing, just no.

However, somehow, Jake manages to disguise the strong nervousness that grips him, regaining lucidity. He takes a few steps toward the table, then sets the device on it so it's visible to the entire group. He begins to speak, raising his tone of voice slightly, to attract the attention of everyone present. "We need someone to monitor Michael's tracking. Because, of course, when we'll be inside the farmhouse we won't be able to check it."

"Good idea." Proromps Cleo, nodding decisively at Jake's words. "I'd rather not find myself face to face with Michael all of a sudden, in case he decides to change his visiting hours..." She murmurs softly, scratching her temple with index finger. "That's a surprise I'd like to avoid."

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