Who fight wins.

504 21 12

This chapter features some explicit adult content, albeit in a small part.

I stare at him in astonishment, squinting and opening my mouth wide in a stunned expression. "We should warn the others. I hope your 'we'll intervene' doesn't imply just the two of us..." I affirm, keeping my gaze straight into his.

I see him sigh, noisily expelling all the air in his lungs. "Yeah, we need the group's help." He almost notes in a snort, as if the decision is suffered. "Honestly, I'd have preferred to intervene on my own, but you'd never let me..." He turns a small, teasing grin on me.

"True." I agree, grimacing back. "Forget it." I answer him through gritted teeth, raising an eyebrow.

Good boy Jake, you don't even need to argue to change your mind. You understood right away that I wouldn't let you, for anything in the world, go into the lion's cage all alone, risking your life while I stay here and be a good little housewife and wait for your return.

Always assuming that everything goes smoothly and you manage to return home, like a brave knight who manages to save the damsel in distress.

Just the thought of it pisses me off.

"... And the more of us there are, the better our chances of succeeding." He adds quickly, as if to quell my furious outburst that's starting to show in my facial expressions.

"Exactly." I comment in a sour tone, leaning my back against the back of the chair, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Though I wish I'd have kept you and Lilly out of this..." He mumbles quietly, as if he doesn't want me to hear his words, as he shifts his gaze to stare at the floor.

I don't respond to his grumbling, simply rolling my eyes, stymied. "I'm okay with stepping in when Michael is absent, but we still risk surprises..." I take a small pause, directing a concerned look at him, before adding: "There could be other people in the farmhouse as well, I mean accomplices guarding Hannah while Hanson's away..."

I watch him scratch his forehead, biting his lip thoughtfully. "Good point." He comments, raising his eyes to my face again. "I'll preface this by saying that in my opinion, it's highly improbable that we'll find any other people inside." He tilts his head slightly to the side, arching his eyebrows. "Hanson has his back covered by the police, so he's convinced he's not taking any chances. Besides, he doesn't suspect in the slightest that we've discovered his hiding place.

"That's true, he doesn't know we're tracking his movements..." I mumble, elaborating on his reasoning. "... And employing accomplices to guard a hideout that is secret and unreachable to him would be nonsense and an illogical expenditure of resources."

"Exactly." He smiles at my words, as if he gets satisfaction when I can follow him in his musings, proud of my deductions. "However, the possibility that there may be someone else watching over Hannah is not out of the question. We can't take the risk..."

"Do you have any suggestions?" I ask, then pointing to the computer. "I mean, couldn't you, with a few tricks of your own, find out if there's someone else in that house?"

He bursts out laughing, bringing both hands to his belly. "I'm a Hacker, not a wizard.... It's not that simple you know? I don't have a crystal ball..." He chuckles amusedly.

"But what do I know, I was trying to give you some hints..." I mumble, rolling my eyes. "I just thought maybe you could intercept any cell phones in that area..."

He stands staring at me for several seconds, motionless and stiff, but with his mouth wide open. I can see his pupils widen as he exclaims out loud: "You're a genius!!!"

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