Life begins where fear ends.

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The first light of morning enters through the window, simply by crossing the thin white curtain placed in front of the glass. No blind or shutter prevents the glow of the first dawn from breaking into the room, completely brightening the surroundings and reverberating off the white sheets of the bed. It's a gentle wake-up, accompanied by the chirping of birds emerging from their nests, after a long stormy night now distant.

Without opening my eyes, I roll onto my side, unconsciously seeking cover from that sudden source of light in my sleep. My chest gently collides with Jake's back, in a soft, fluffy contact. The warm warmth released from his skin against mine is so pleasant, as well as soothing and welcoming.

It's beautiful how the simple touch of our bodies can instill such a sense of serenity and security in me.

I slowly open my eyes and remain, for just a few seconds, staring at his figure. Even with his back to me, I can clearly see that he's still in the world of dreams: I can tell by his regular and rhythmic breathing, slow and deep, and his muscles completely stretched and relaxed.

I smile fondly, watching him rest in the position he's in: slightly curled up, but with his back outstretched to my side, as if unconsciously seeking my closeness. He seems so vulnerable and defenseless that it makes me feel even more the desire and the need to safeguard him, to take on the weight of the problems and worries he carries on his shoulders, relieving him of the enormous burden he's dragging along.

Levering on my forearms, I raise my torso to lean over his side until I can see his face. I look at him intently and I can barely hold back a laugh.

Oh my God, he's smiling in his sleep!
And he's so blissful...

It fills my heart with happiness to see him so peaceful and serene, after all he's been through. I'd be lying if I say that discovering his past didn't affect me: now, thinking about it with a cold and clear mind, it makes me terribly restless and anxious. After all, we are still talking about extremely dangerous and truly powerful people, capable of anything. Even to kill in cold blood, without running any kind of risk. They've all the means at their disposal to succeed and get away with it. Probably, all they need is one simple snap of their fingers.

But, as I've said a thousand times before, I'm ready for anything for Jake.

I fear nothing.

Because when I'm with him, I'm filled with a deep sense of protection and security. In him, I see a refuge that protects me from all the elements. I can't say why, but it must be because, when you are madly in love you feel strong and invincible, ready for anything not to lose that love.

I stare at him for a while longer, admiring his innocent and carefree expression, with a serene smile on his lips.

He must be having a good dream.
Or, it's because of what happened last night...

I blush from head to toe in a second, remembering the evening that has just passed. And last night too, if we really want to dot the i's and cross the t's.

I think we went to bed after 4am or so. Although I don't know for sure, I completely forgot to check my phone or watch before going to bed. Too tired and destroyed to do anything but sleep.

Perhaps, destroyed is a bit of an expression? Uhm... strong?

But, yeah, I'd say it's also the best word to describe the conditions in which I fell asleep.

So pass me the term, that is.

And speaking of my phone, I better check to see if I've received any messages: After we arrive at the restaurant, I completely forgot I owned one.

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