Indissoluble Bonds.

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We drive out of the house gate, driving to our chosen destination for the meeting.

Jake confessed to being extremely nervous, but you could tell that from a mile away anyway: He had the car turned off at least three times when we were stopped at traffic lights.

"It'll be fine" I encourage him, but I can't help smiling to see him so agitated. He tries to stay focused on driving, as he inhales and exhales deeply, quickly.

It's tender, emotional for me to see him so engrossed in his first meeting with his sister.

Even if it is Lilly...

Okay okay, I admit it.
I'm just kidding.

By now our, albeit recent, frictions are only a distant memory. It's water under the bridge: I've got to know her and appreciate her, and I've managed to create a nice friendship. A bond that is slowly becoming more and more solid.

I love her, I would be lying if I say otherwise.

"Yeah... it'll be fine," he declares, self-motivating, nodding his head firmly to give himself some courage. He turns the steering wheel all the way to the left, turning and entering a small car park.

I recognise the plot of land in front of us, I saw it not even an hour ago via the Street View: We've arrived. He turns off the car, turning the key in the ignition.

We both look out of the windscreen at the park in front of us. It's quite simple, with just a couple of benches, a few children's games and a small wooden gazebo. Otherwise, it's just trees. And apart from a small group of kids on swings, not a soul is to be found.

Just as well.

"Shall we wait here or...?" Not even time to finish the question, we see two cars appear. They enter the car park one after the other, at a moderate speed. The first of the two is unmistakable to me, as it is mine.

"Let's get out, they're here..." I see him put his hands on the hood of his sweatshirt, as if he has the desire to raise it to disguise himself even more. Eventually he desists, lowering his arms and bringing one hand to the car door.

I give his other hand a quick squeeze, to let him know that everything will be okay and that I'll be there for him. We get out of the car, as soon as they both park and turn off the engine. We take just a couple of steps in their direction, stopping in the vacant lot that separates our car from theirs.

Jessy is the first to get out. "Guys, sorry I'm late, I got lost..." She sighs, directing an annoyed look at me, "Your built-in navigation really sucks, let me tell you!"

I laugh at her words. "You're right, sorry Jessy" I give her a mock sorry grin, as soon as she bursts out laughing too and runs to hug me.

Jessy immediately squeezes me in her usual lethal grip, before turning to Jake: "it's good to see you both safe and sound! Thank you Jake, I really can't thank you enough for saving us." She smiles at him.

He, in response, shrugs his shoulders, minimising in embarrassment.

He isn't used to being thanked.
Besides, until the other day, no one in the group trusted him.

This is all so new to Jake...

"You're welcome, Jessica" He barely whispers, keeping his gaze pointed straight ahead.

"For God's sake, call me Jessy!" She exclaims, rolling her eyes.


I look up as I hear the sound of a door closing. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jake wince.

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