It's all in my head.

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And here we are, walking along the forest. We have formed a line, to proceed on the narrow path through the dense vegetation; Jake and I are in the lead, followed by Jessy, Phil and Lilly, with Cleo and Thomas in the end. We would have covered about fifty yards in all; if it were not for the weak light present, I would surely still be able to spot the cars, parked in the trees behind us. The street is illuminated only by the timid sun, slowly beginning to rise in the sky, and by a flashlight pointed dimly at the ground. It's Jake holding it tightly in his hands, facing downward so that the glow is barely visible to any prying eyes. He tries to illuminate just enough to allow us to walk, without tripping over any obstacles.

What a surreal situation.

The seven of us immersed in semi-darkness, proceeding almost tentatively, with uncertain steps. The ground is slippery; I'm afraid I'll fall off and end up with my backside on the ground; it would look pretty bad, and since I'm leading the way along with Jake, it would happen in front of everyone's eyes. They would burst out laughing out loud, while I would die of embarrassment; but I couldn't blame them. In short, it would be a truly hilarious scene, and perhaps, it would even succeed in dispelling the extreme anxiety surrounding us. I sense it in every gesture of my friends, in any breath they take, in all their faces.

And by the way, like I just predicted the future...

I stumble unexpectedly against the root of a pine tree, which sticks out protruding from the ground. I feel the toe of my shoe catch in the crack, causing me to lose my balance. I tremble as I realize that my feet no longer touch the ground. I start flailing, trying to remedy the irreparable; by now my fate is sealed.

Look like shit in three, two, one...

I close my eyes and hold my breath, bringing my hands forward to shield my face.

Instantly, I feel an arm encircling my abdomen, thus preventing my catastrophic fall from taking place. I feel Jake's chest press against my back and his fingers grip my side firmly. With a sudden dash, he managed to catch me in time.

"What are you doing, falling down?" He tries to hold back a laugh, but with little result. He smiles amusedly, but not with malice; it's more of an affectionate laugh, probably softened by my clumsiness.

I can feel my cheeks burning, blushing visibly, as soon as he takes my weight to put me back on my feet.

What kind of question is that, Jake?

I laugh to myself at the naturalness with which he asks it.

"It's the fault of that root there, see?" I indicate downward, pointing at the supposed culprit. "It suddenly cut me off..."

"Stupid roots, who don't look before crossing the road..." Mumbles Jessy, meddling in the conversation and feigning indignation.

We all burst out laughing, amused by the joke.

Well, with this I managed to dampen the tension of the group, without even ending up with my face on the ground; ~mission completed! Although we have to make an effort to laugh softly, so as not to make too much noise; we are still a long way from the farmhouse, but we cannot afford to take unnecessary risks.

After this little parenthesis of lightness, we get right back on the move. I feel Jessy grab me by the arm, dragging me into the second row with her.

"Did you guys find a motel in Colville, then?" She asks curiously, speaking softly; her eyes twinkle with excitement.

"Yes, we have identified one that might suit us. It's fairly anonymous and off-center." I affirm, glancing briefly at her face, and then back to staring at the ground; I'd better watch where I'm going if I want to avoid a replay of the embarrassment earlier. "But we haven't booked yet. We think it's better to take a look in person before choosing."

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