Don't shut me out.

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About ten minutes must have passed since we started walking again; we have been pacing in silence, absorbed in our thoughts. It must be due to anxiety, which is becoming more and more overbearing, growing with each step as we approach the farmhouse.

"Jake, how much further?" I ask, sidestepping the branch of a tree that occupies part of the path. The small road has become progressively more impervious, making our trek difficult; the dense vegetation, thorny shrubs covering most of the undergrowth, and slippery ground have made our progress quite slow.

He checks the screen of his phone, which he keeps ready out of his pocket so that it is always at hand. "Uhm, we should be just over two hundred meters away, we're almost there." He whispers, bringing his index finger to his mouth to intimate me to lower my voice.

I nod, closing my mouth and abandoning the idea of asking him anything else; I get the distinct feeling that he is quite worried and restless. Since the deer thing happened, he has been silent practically the whole time. Could his apprehension have stemmed from this? Yet, he was firmly convinced that it was exclusively a huge misunderstanding; seeing his state though, the doubt must have remained with him, albeit remote. Like a fixed idea planted in his head. Was it really just about an animal? Knowing Jake, he must be mentally wracking his brain over this dilemma, weighing every possibility. What I know for sure, in case we should find that Thomas was right, he would never forgive himself for this levity in his judgment; he took the reins of command and was the one who decided to go ahead. I think he feels a kind of responsibility to us. Looking at his face, I could confidently state what he is thinking right now: - Did I do the right thing in deciding to go ahead with the plan?

And if he only asked me about it, I would certainly answer him -Yes!

We have come this far, we have been working hard day and night for the past few weeks just to reach this moment; we cannot afford to give up the raid, solely because of a suspicion. However, we'll soon find out: as soon as we get to the spot where we'll be camping, we'll ascertain every fear. Jake will get to move on to the second part of the plan, which is to check if there are any other mobile devices in the area.

And let's face it, if there really was someone in the woods watching us, he would definitely have had a mobile phone with him.

We continue for a few more minutes, without uttering a word. The only interactions we have with the rest of the group is to help each other when the trail gets too steep and craggy; or to hush each other with a: "shhh" if we let out groans or expletives, because of the thorns. Although I dressed so as to be well covered, I am sure I have a fair number of scratches on my arms and legs. But I can't complain, considering where we are; it is enough that we haven't had to deal with some poisonous creatures!

Just the idea that this place is teeming with crawling creatures and furry insects gives me goosebumps.

Suddenly, as if it were a mirage, we see the dense forest opening up. In front of us appears a circular area, devoid of trees and bushes; only grass and a few boulders scattered here and there occupy the clearing. It will be about fifteen meters in diameter, so it is quite spacious but not too open either. On three sides it is bordered by forest scrub, in which only trees, trees and more trees can be discerned; while in the last part it is circumscribed by a high rock wall, quite inclined and almost impossible to climb.

I immediately identify the place, I know it so well that it's like I've been there before: we've arrived. We examined it so minutely, both Jake and I when we were in front of his computer, that I couldn't possibly be wrong.

We are really very close to the farmhouse.

I watch Jake pause for a moment, just before he makes his entrance into the clearing; he is at the head of the line, in front of everyone. He turns with his torso, addressing us with a nod. He brings an index finger in front of his lips, mimicking the gesture of remaining silent. With his other hand he shows us his palm raised in midair, a clear order to stand by.

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