Chapter Eleven

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Hanging up, I shoved my phone into my pocket while walking out of the bathroom. Passing my hand on my face, I shook my head in disbelieve. This girl...even after I told her that I was in a meeting she still called making a scene. I swear the entire table could've heard her, I literally had to excuse myself just in case she got any louder.

All this just to argue over a bloody colour, I could care less about what Kaya's demands were, I'm wearing red and there is no one who will stop me. So what if I'm just doing this to piss her off on her big day, she doesn't need an explanation for my reasons, all she has to do is just stand next to me and enjoy the wedding.

Walking over to the table where some of our country's ministers sat, I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt and prepped myself to return to our conversation.

"I'm sorry about that interruption men." I apologised while taking my seat.

"Oh don't worry about it boy," our Prime Minister said giving me a mischievous grin.

"Girlfriend?" Mr McRay, our Minister of Tourism asked while sipping his wine.

"Good heavens. No!" I responded as I filled my glass with scotch.

The entire table erupted with the sound of laughter, for some grown men they sure to act like teens. Talking a sip of my drink, I placed my glass down and just stared at them as they mocked me.

"No need to be shy Your Highness, we can tell by the way you spoke with her. Don't deny it." one of them said in between his laughs.

This made my jaw clench, did these fools really like I would deny having someone in my life. Aurora wasn't even near anything to mean something to me like that. Just relax Axel, don't get too upset, we are here for business.

"She isn't my girlfriend or anything for a matter. Just a friend of Aiden" I said sternly, leaning back into my chair.

Catching my tone, Prime Minister said, "Ahh, we understand Your Highness."

"Good." I said as I watched their faces turn from goofy to embarrassed, "Now can we get back to the issue at hand?"

"Yes" some of them answered while others just nodded their heads.

/After Dinner/

Once everyone finished their meals we ended the meeting for the night. While the men bid me their goodbyes I went to handle the bill. The meeting we just had was to discuss the usage of the resources we are getting and how we could minimize the uses...Just so that it could last us some time.

Getting into my BMW, I took a moment for the car to heat up before I drove off. Speeding through the streets I arrived home in no time. After I parked my car, I grabbed my suit jacket before making sure my doors were closed.

As I walked through the garage door, I heard laughter coming from the dining area. Who could be there this hour...No one mentioned having any company tonight? Curiously, I walked over to see Kaya and my stepmother laughing away.

"Oh, Axel! Did we wake you?" Kaya asked giggling.

I noticed they had wine glasses in their hands and two bottles of Red wine sitting in between them.

"I just got home actually," I said walking over to them and taking the bottles away.

"What are you doing?" Catalina asked grabbing ahold of my hand.

Looking at where her hand was and then back at her, she immediately removed her hand. Catalina knows Father doesn't like people drinking in the house due to past experiences. We're only allowed to drink if there is an event or a celebration of some kind. And I highly doubt Princess Kaya's arrival is to be considered a celebration.

"We're just having a little drink, Axel. Don't ruin our fun" Kaya pouted as she got up from her seat.

"More like a little too much..." I said walking away from both of them,

Walking into the kitchen, I poured the remainder of the wine down the sink before disposing of the bottles. God, I need to lay down, my neck is killing me...

"Axel..." I heard Kaya whine from behind me

"Why are you here?" I asked turning around to see her leaning on the door frame with her glass in her hand.

"Mmm, I decide to plan the wedding from here, plus I wanted to get to know my new family better. Are you upset that I'm here babe?" She asked walking closer to me.

Slipping away from her, I walked out of the kitchen but not before saying. "I hope you found a nice hotel to stay in..."

Once I reached my room, I took off all my clothes and headed straight for the shower. Felling the water run down my skin was just the relaxation I needed. After about 10 minutes, I walked out with my towel wrapped around my waist.

As I opened the door I saw Kaya on my bed scrolling through her phone, ignoring her I walked into my closet and dried myself off. I'm defiantly not in the mood to deal with whatever tactics she's up to right now. Quickly changing my clothes, I threw on a long sweat pants and a white t. While I was drying my hair I heard Kaya talking loud.

"Who is Demon?" she asked

"None of your concern and stop snooping," I said annoyed, "Why are you still here, did father give you a room here or something?"

"No! Catalina did".... ofcourse she did.

"Hello? Axel? I'm sleeping can we fight another day?" Hearing Aurora's voice, I quickly walked over to Kaya and grabbed my phone from her hands.

"Get out of my room!" I yelled hanging up the phone.

"Who is she?"She asked crossing her arms.

"That none of you fucking concern Kaya! Just get out, NOW!!"

Glaring at me she said, "I'll find out sooner or later," before slamming my door on her way out.

Looking back at my phone, I realized I took the speaker off and the call was still ongoing.... great just great.

"Hello?" I asked hoping she just fell back asleep.

"Mmmm? Kaya is here?" she asked

"Yeah, she arrived a while ago," I said walking over to my door, locking it.

Yawning, she said sleepily, "Sorry about earlier..."

Chuckling, I shook my head and said," Don't worry about it, I'm hanging up"

"Okay Cauliflower" she whispered as I hung up on her.

Throwing my phone on the bed I just stared at my door...Now I have 2 crazy women to deal with. Why me...

Wedding timer: 1 month, 1 hour, 30 minutes.

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