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Misunderstandings and Understanding.


After hearing the dial of the phone being hung up, I flung it across the bed and let out a sigh of relief. Grabbing a robe from my closet, I quickly ran back to the living room where I was met with a now seated Aiden. Noticing how he dressed in a nice plain black tee and plated trousers to match, I guess he was probably heading out after. 

"Hey Cracker," I said as I nervously tied the robe around my waist.

Looking up from his phone, he turned to me with a wide smile plastered on his face. 

"Hey, everything okay? You look a bit flustered," he asked concerningly 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I replied while talking over to the couch, sitting on the opposite end. "So what brought you here so early?"

"Well," He said excitedly dragging his words, "I was wondering if we can go out today. It's Saturday, you've got a day off and I have no one to boss me around till tonight. So what do you say?"

"When you say 'Go out' do mean like a -"

"No!" he said stopping me mid-sentence, " I mean yes if you want to but no. I just wanted to hang out, have lunch and then probably go to a club or something later. I just need my friend."

Taking a step back, another breath of relief escape my lips. All that was going through my head right now is, 'what's the worse that could happen?'
I know I can't say no because if I do, it might make things suspicious and Aiden is intelligent, he'll figure it out.

Laughing nervously I said "You know what, why not? It has been a while since we last hung out."

"Great! Get ready quickly, I'll be downstairs waiting for you" He said getting up and walking towards the door. 

The second Aiden left, I dropped my hands to my side and walked over to my bathroom sulking. Taking a quick shower I changed into a black jeans, a baby blue crop top and a black jeans jacket to match, I also slid into some baby blue heels and grabbed a black clutch to match my fit. 
That Cracker didn't even give me enough time to eat breakfast, now I got go with his ass to God knows where and what starve. This like slavery all over again.

Grabbing my phone I exited the apartment, made sure I locked the door, threw my keys inside my purse and moped towards the elevator.  Once I was out the door, Aiden honked his horn, alerting me to where he was parked. Changing my attitude, I plastered a smile on my face, fixed my posture and walked over to the car.  

Just as I opened the passenger door I hear Aiden saying, "I booked us a table at this restaurant we go to. I'm kind of starving."

Nodding my head, I closed the door and Aiden drove off immediately. A little while on the road, Aiden's phone started ringing constantly. In annoyance, he gripped the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white. I guess he was trying his best to ignore the ringing but it was starting to get my nerves. 

"Do you need to answer that?" I asked 


"Your sure ?" I asked eyeing him concerned.

"Yeah, it's just my dad. He and Axel are coming home in a few hours, they properly just want to notify me," he informed me while the ringing still filled the car. 

Not wanting to question him anymore I nodded my head and said, "Oh okay".

After about fifteen minutes and ten thousand missed calls later we finally arrived at some boujee restaurant and I kid you not, I was underdressed. Everyone entering had on some fancy dress or casual yet rich clothing. I'm going to look so out of-

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