Chapter Twelve

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Late-night calls 

~Axel ~

Since Kaya arrived here Thursday, the wedding seems like it was getting closer and closer. Father bought in the royal wedding planner, whom Kaya and Catalina met with yesterday. It's Saturday now and after spending a long day with Bridezilla, I just want to lay down and chill for the night.

Aiden was supposed to go with her, but he had made previous plans with Aurora so I had to step in and take his place. Kaya, the planner and I made a visit to a flower shop earlier today and after a 2-hour long argument about the theme of the decorations. I finally forced her to just go with both options, which the florist made into a beautiful piece.

Kaya couldn't decide if she wanted light pink or dark roses for the table decor, and when I told her to go with both. The florist took the idea and matched it with some white ones as well, she even threw in some gold ribbons and vines. Kaya was in love with the combo because ' The colours represent love and royalty, everything she is'.

But I all noticed was her favourite colours and her obsession with wealth.

"Sir," A maid said interrupting my thoughts, "Your father would like everyone to join him for dinner."

Nodding my head in response, I got up from my couch, grabbed my phone and followed her out of my room. Entering the dining area, I saw my father sitting at the head of the table and my stepmother sitting to the right of him. Taking my seat at the other end of the table, I greeted them both,

" Father, Catalina," I said respectfully.

"Your brother is on his way home, we'll wait for his arrival before starting," he said with a big smile on his face

"Why did you call us for dinner?" I asked, see he usually just eats in his office unless there is an event.

"I have exciting news," He said as a waiter brought out some bottles of wine in an ice bucket. 

Staying silent, I just leaned back into my chair and waited for Aiden. Not a few seconds passed when I heard her annoying voice again. 

"Your Majesty, thank you for inviting me to dinner," she thanked him as she took a seat next to Catalina.

"The pleasure is all mine princess Kaya, we're just waiting on your fiance to arrive." 

Sighing, I took out my phone and saw that I received a message from Aurora...

*I finished some sketches do u wanna see the progress?*

"Axel," Father called getting my attention.

"Yes?" I asked locking my phone and placing it on the table.

"No phones at the table son," he tried to implement.

"We are not talking about anything Father.. plus it's important," I said looking directly at him

"How so? " Kaya asked smirking at me.

Just as I was about to tell her off, Aiden walked in...

"Sorry for being late, I helping a friend out," he said taking his seat next to me.

Turning my attention to him, I noticed some threads on his shirt.

"Did she have you working with her?" I asked him softly so that only he would hear. 

"Yeah, she had to work from home. What's with the wine?" he asked saying the last part out loudly. 

"Lue, Bring the fest out," Father said to the butler

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