Chapter Thirteen

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After my shower, I walked into my room and placed my phone on its charger before walking into my closet. Throwing on grey sweatpants and a dark blue T-shirt, I grabbed my towel and dried my hair a little. I left it a bit wet which made my curls pop out a bit. 

Deciding to watch a movie, I sat on my couch and got a cigarette before I turned on the television. As I was about to light it, my mind kept running on her. Sighing, I lit it and shoved the pack into my pocket. 

Getting up, I grabbed my phone turning it on, I can't believe I'm really going to do this. Checking her address, I shoved the phone into my pocket, grabbed my keys and wallet before taking off the tv and lights. Closing my door,  I walked down the halls just smoking this shit and shaking my head. Along the way downstairs, I saw Aiden heading up to his room, walking my way. 

"Where are you going this hour?" He asked when he spotted me.

"It's only 8 and don't worry about it" I said passing him 

"Enjoy your drive!" He yelled

"Will do" I yell back chuckling as I made my way to the front door.

Getting to the garage, I hopped into my car and sped down the hill. I made a quick stop at a local grocery, picking out some snacks for her and a bottle of whiskey for myself. When I pulled up to her apartment, I stay in my car for a few minutes before checking the time.  9 o'clock on the dot, turning the car off, I looked at all the bags I had on the passenger seat just closed my eyes. 

"I'm gonna regret this," I said out loud before opening my eyes and taking everything up. 

Getting out of the car, I made sure I locked it before going in. Passing the security, I nodded my head at him and walked through the front door with ease. I looked around for the elevator, and just as I saw where it was, the doors were about to close. I had to yell at the young woman in there to hold it for me. 

"Thanks," I said as I entered. 

Pressing Aurora's floor, I stepped back and waited. I noticed the girl was typing away on her phone so I just ignored her presence until the sound of a camera caught my attention. Sighing I turned to her and saw she was staring at me scared. 

"If I find that picture online, you might regret it, love," I said turning away from her.

"I- It's for my friend Your Highness. I'm just shocked to see you here" she said fumbling on her words.

I just nodded my head at her then the left stopped, "Enjoy your night." I said as she got off. 

She gave me a quick bow before running off. Shaking my head I heard my phone ping, looking at it I saw it was a message from Aiden. 

Little Brother
*Bring me back some food on your way back*

Laughing, I shoved it back into my pocket and got off the elevator. After searching for Aurora's apparent number, I knocked a few times and waited. 

"Who is it?!" She yelled... Does she ever stop yelling?

I wanted til the door flung opened and I was greeted with a green-faced Aurora. She had on a black sheer nightdress and her hair was in a bun that sat on the top of her head. 

Shaking my head I walked passed her and said "Took you long enough"

Closing the door she said"Good night to you too. I- um, I didn't think you were gonna come"

"Neither did I, I brought you some snacks," I said placing the four bags on her coffee table as I sat on her couch.

I started unbagging everything, laying out all sorts of stuff, gummies, chips, Cheese Puffs, Takis, Cheetos, Sour Patch, chocolate, some gum and a couple of drinks plus the whiskey. Everything I bought had different flavours and some were in bigger packs than others. 

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